Daily Archives: November 13, 2022

2022-11-13: News Headlines

Speak Up Act Up (2022-11-13). On the SF Peninsula, Creative Protest to Defuse Nuclear War. indybay.org Right now is the closest the world has been to a nuclear war since the Cuban Missile Crisis. Elderly activists, joined by a few younger folks, recalled those days and protested during a long weekend of national action.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-11-13). China lanza con éxito nave espacial de carga Tianzhou-5. telesurtv.net El cohete portador Larga Marcha-7-Y6, con el carguero a bordo, despegó a las 22H03 hora desde la base espacial de Wenchang, en la isla de Hainan-…

TeleSUR, MER (2022-11-13). Denuncian el asesinato de otro líder en Nariño, Colombia. telesurtv.net Indepaz explicó que hombres armados ingresaron a la vivienda de la víctima y lo asesinaron el 11 de noviembre.

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-11-13). Exigen en El Salvador justicia por asesinato de seis jesuitas. telesurtv.net Por el asesinato de seis sacerdotes jesuitas fueron juzgados nueve militares como los autores materiales de la matanza.

Center of Biological Diversity (2022-11-13). Monday 11/14: Saving Life on Earth: How to Talk About Population in a World of 8 Billion w/ CBD. indybay.org Online event…

Fight Back (2022-11-13). Oslo is long dead. Time to revive the PLO. fightbacknews.org The Oslo accords were signed 29 years ago, on 13 September 1993. The Palestinian Authority, its main manifestation, has attempted and failed for nearly three decades to contain the Palestinian people's resistance and struggle for national liberation. | Palestine's enemy today is not only Israel and its US backers, but also those who are rewarded for complying with Oslo: the Palestinian Authority, those who take money from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and the diplomatic and lobby missions — like the Muslim Leadership Initiative — that reflect Zionist aspirations. | Fr…

Jesse Jones (2022-11-13). Riot tactics and weapons used in Iran. indybay.org Important information on how police are handling protesters in Iran we should be aware of.

Norman Solomon (2022-11-13). Biden Made It Harder for Democrats to Win. He'd Be an Albatross on the 2024 Ticket. indybay.org His approval ratings are far below the public's positivity toward the Democratic Party…

Animal Liberation Press Office (2022-11-13). 'Grupo de Respuesta Animal' Burns Meat Packing Plant (Chile). indybay.org Received anonymously October 26, 2022: "Most of all I regret my restraint, because regardless of the damage we caused to those businesses, if those farms are still open, if even one animal was left behind, then it wasn't enough. I do not intend to rid myself of the consequences of these acts by begging for mercy or appealing to the conscience of the room, because if this system had a conscience I would not be here, in my place would be all the butchers, vivisectors and fur farmers around the world." –Peter Young, vegan straight edge warrior of the Animal Liberation Front.

People for the American Way (2022-11-13). Wednesday 11/30: PFAW Briefing: 2022 Midterms & Protecting Our Democracy from Far Right Extremism. indybay.org Online event…

NARAL Pro-Choice California (2022-11-13). Monday 11/7: Election Eve Phonebank for Prop 1: Reproductive Freedom. indybay.org Phone Bank – virtual…

Labor Video Project (2022-11-13). Union Busting Attack on PNWU2015 Staff By SEIU 2015 President/SEIU Sec. Treasurer Verrett. indybay.org In a union busting attack the management of the 400,000 SEIU 2015 tried to run over PNWU2015 staff workers who are on an unfair labor strike and also have refused to bargain and are implementing a contract without negotiation. This union busting tactic is under the president April Terrell who has also been appointed the SEIU International Secretary Treasurer by Mary Kay Henry in June 2022.

Allan P Fisher (2022-11-13). Saturday 11/12: All Out for Palestine. indybay.org corner of Ocean at Water Street, Santa Cruz…

Angela (2022-11-13). Sunday 11/13: Virtual Book Event: "Ida in the Middle," A Young Adult Novel About Palestine. indybay.org

David Roknich, INDYRADIO (2022-11-13). Why Grifter Kathy Hochul Will Win New York. indybay.org It is a sad state of affairs, typical of US politics, when a grifter like Kathy Hochul is the "people's choice" in one of the largest and most populous states of the union. Both Biden and Obama are campaigning for her. | Would you rather have Lee Zeldin, an election denier for Trump, as Governor of New York?

Suitbert Cechura, Guido Speckmann (2022-11-13). Who can afford capitalism anymore? and Why are prices rising? indybay.org When the state now debates the need to create relief packages for employees, pensioners, unemployment benefit recipients, trainees and families, this is official confirmation that the result of wage labor is also poverty. The majority of citizens, however, find themselves in a dual role in the market economy: as workers & as King Customer, they are supposed to buy, to return the money.

California State Parks (2022-11-13). Wednesday 11/16: Native Voices: Grappling with the Past and Fighting for the Future a Reading & Discussion. indybay.org Santa Cruz Mission State Historic Park | 144 School St. | Santa Cruz, CA 95060…

La Peña Cultural Center (2022-11-13). Friday 11/18: BAILA! Community Dance Party. indybay.org La Peña Cultural Center, 3105 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94705…

DLI (2022-11-13). On Nov. 8, U.S. voters had a "Sophie's Choice" of NeoFascist "wave" or NeoLiberal morass. indybay.org This week, the Status Quo of a "Manufactured Consent"–not "democracy"–won BIG! Even though the final tallies of some key Congressional races won't be clear for weeks, the domestic mid-term elections proved. once again, that the 2 major parties–the GOP "elephants" and the Dem "asses"–will ensure that the rancorous, chaotic and do-nothing process of domestic infighting and log-jam will continue for years to come.

Animal Liberation Press Office (2022-11-13). Animal Liberation Front Liberates 1000 Captive Mink in Massillon, Ohio. indybay.org "Motivated by Love and Respect for [Animal Liberation Martyr] Barry Horne"

Revolution Books (2022-11-13). Sunday 11/13: Internationalist Fundraising Dinner for the New Interview w/Bob Avakian on RNL Show. indybay.org Revolution Books | 2444 Durant Avenue Berkeley…

Cynthia Papermaster (2022-11-13). COP27: Militarism Fuels the Climate Crisis. indybay.org CODEPINK will join hundreds of high school students from all over the Bay Area, led by the group Youth Vs. Apocalypse (YVA), for a COP27 Climate Strike march with the theme "Militarism and Climate".

The Green Arcade (2022-11-13). Friday 11/18: Vincent Katz Reads From His New Collection of Poems Broadway For Paul. indybay.org The Green Arcade | 1680 Market Street | SF, CA 94102…

Staff (2022-11-13). Archivo.cu: Estados Unidos, Cuba y la migración entre ambos países (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Durante los últimos años, Cuba ha apostado por estrechar los lazos con sus ciudadanos residentes en el exterior. Sobre las principales matrices de opinión que se construyen en torno al tema migratorio entre Cuba y Estados Unidos conversaron los entrevistados del programa "Archivo.cu", de Cubavisión Internacional. Cubadebate comparte el material.

TeleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-11-13). Demócratas empatan con republicanos en carrera por Senado de EEUU. telesurtv.net El demócrata Mark Kelly gana escaño al Senado por Arizona. Ahora demócratas y republicanos tienen 49 curules.

Staff (2022-11-13). La Tira de los Lectores: Mi foto de las motorinas. cubadebate.cu Hace unos días la convocamos y hoy regresa La Tira de los Lectores, dedicada a ese medio de transporte que tan popular se ha vuelto entre los cubanos en los últimos años: las motorinas. Recuerda que puedes comunicarte con nosotros al correo comentacubadebate@gmail.com o a través de nuestros perfiles en redes sociales.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-11-13). Presidentes de Rusia e Irán acuerdan impulsar cooperación bilateral. telesurtv.net Acuerdan profundizar su complementación política y económica, con énfasis en el campo del transporte y la logística.

TeleSUR, gao, JGN (2022-11-13). Sismo de magnitud 6.1 sacude a Guatemala y países vecinos. telesurtv.net El movimiento telúrico fue perceptible con mayor intensidad en los departamentos de Escuintla, Quetzaltenango, Sacatepéquez y Guatemala.

Staff (2022-11-13). Centrales vencen a Ganaderos por partida doble. cubadebate.cu Los Centrales aumentaron este sábado su ofensiva sobre los Ganaderos, que fueron derrotados dos veces el mismo día. En la primera ocasión, la victoria fue de 15×3 y en la segunda de 2×0. Con estos resultados, el equipo Centrales lleva una cuenta de 10 triunfos y siete fracasos en la Liga Élite del Beisbol Cubano.

TeleSUR, MER (2022-11-13). Presidente venezolano recibe a representantes del Vaticano. telesurtv.net La reunión fue propicia para reforzar los lazos de amistad y conversar sobre la canonización del doctor José Gregorio Hernández.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-11-13). Tiroteo cerca de un colegio deja cuatro heridos en Montreal, Canadá. telesurtv.net Los disparos se escucharon a las 17H30 horas locales en un parque frente al Montmorency College en el suburbio de Laval, señaló la policía canadiense.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-11-13). Tàºrkiye acusa a Occidente de atacar a Rusia sin límite. telesurtv.net El mandatario declaró, tras culminar la IX Cumbre de Estados Turcos, que Rusia "no es un Estado ordinario".

Reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2022-11-13). México_Guerrero: °"Nos están matando, torturando, desapareciendo! indybay.org México_Guerrero: | Concejo Indígena y Popular de Guerrero Emiliano Zapata | °"Nos están matando, torturando, desapareciendo!

TeleSUR, MER (2022-11-13). Gobierno de Bolivia reitera llamado a la unidad. telesurtv.net El vicepresidente Choquehuanca enfatizó que es importante no dejar que temas como el censo sean utilizados para generar divisionismo por radicales.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-11-13). Venezuela rechaza renovación de medidas coercitivas de la UE. telesurtv.net Las medidas coercitivas unilaterales aplicadas ilegalmente por la UE de forma premeditada, castigan y violan masivamente los derechos humanos del pueblo venezolano.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-11-13). Reportan sismo de magnitud 6.2 en región de La Araucanía, Chile. telesurtv.net El Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada informó el temblor no reúne las condiciones para generar un tsunami en las costas chilenas.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-11-13). Gueníchesk será la capital de Jersón en forma temporal. telesurtv.net Alexander Fomin, representante de la administración regional de Jersón, comentó: "Gueníchesk es ahora la capital.

TeleSUR, gao, JGN (2022-11-13). Reclaman en Argentina derechos del pueblo saharaui. telesurtv.net El grupo de solidaridad pide que Argentina reconozca al territorio saharaui como república.

TeleSUR, gao, JCM (2022-11-13). Al menos 20 muertos provoca explosión en Nigeria. telesurtv.net El siniestro también provocó medio centenar de heridos de diversa gravedad y 30 autos totalmente incinerados.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-11-13). Evo reitera agradecimientos a mandatarios de México y Argentina. telesurtv.net El exmandatario reveló que los autores del golpe de Estado trataron "hasta el último momento" de atentar en contra de su vida.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-11-13). Masacre en el estado mexicano de Zacatecas deja cinco muertos. telesurtv.net Se conoció que tras el hecho armado los cuerpos de seguridad iniciaron un operativo para ubicar y detener a los responsables de la masacre.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-11-13). Rector de centro educativo en Colombia sale ileso tras atentado. telesurtv.net El rector de la Institución Educativa San Carlos de El Tambo Cauca, Guillermo Andrés Mosquera pidió al Gobierno colombiano que le ayude a salir de la región.

Reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2022-11-13). Recordatoria: Palabras zapatistas que se hicieron nuestras. indybay.org PALABRAS DE LAS COMUNIDADES ZAPATISTAS | EN OCASIàìN DE LA MARCHA CONTRA LA DESTRUCCIàìN DE LA NATURALEZA.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-11-13). Detectan en Panamá cinco nuevos casos de viruela símica. telesurtv.net Ahora suman 26 los contagios de la enfermedad en el país centroamericano desde el reporte del primer caso el 1ro. de julio pasado.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-11-13). Marcha en Berlín exige parar alza de precios en alimentos y energía. telesurtv.net Convocados por grupos izquierdistas y movimientos ecologistas, más de 3.000 manifestantes marcharon por las principales de la capital alemana.

TeleSUR, gao, JGN (2022-11-13). Exigen en Bulgaria aumento de salarios ante alta inflación. telesurtv.net Los manifestantes llegaron al Parlamento para exigir un incremento de sus percepciones que compense la inflación que vive el país.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-11-13). Grupos cívicos queman sede de central sindical en Santa Cruz. telesurtv.net La COD denunciará penalmente a los dirigentes del Comité Interinstitucional de Santa Cruz por impulsar el paro.

Staff (2022-11-13). øPor qué el dengue sigue siendo un problema creciente a pesar de ser una enfermedad conocida hace siglos? cubadebate.cu øPor qué el dengue sigue siendo un problema creciente a pesar de ser una enfermedad conocida hace siglos? øPor qué tenemos iniciativas nacionales e internacionales que han contribuido al enfrentamiento de la enfermedad, pero tenemos cada vez más casos? øQué hemos hecho en estas décadas y qué nos falta? Sobre estos aspectos un panel de expertos arrojó elementos esenciales para el manejo de esta enfermedad.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-11-13). Presidente Luis Arce aprueba decreto sobre censo en Bolivia. telesurtv.net El Gobierno boliviano ha considerado al proceso censal como una prioridad nacional, por lo que garantizarán su cobertura en todo el país.

TeleSUR- hvh (2022-11-13). Cuba exige recursos para países afectados por cambio climático. telesurtv.net El canciller cubano señaló que el financiamiento para daños por el cambio climático en países en desarrollo debe ser urgente.

____ (2022-11-12). Balance of power in next U.S. Congress still undecided. ecns.cn The balance of power in the next U.S. Congress is still undecided as of late Thursday night, two days after the 2022 midterm elections.

Connor Freeman (2022-11-12). Russia Announces Kherson Withdrawal Completed, Kremlin Says Region's Status Is Unchanged. news.antiwar.com The Russian Defense Ministry announced the completion of its withdrawal from areas in the southern Ukrainian region of Kherson on the west bank of the Dnieper River, including the provincial capital, on Friday. This development, which reportedly saw tens of thousands of troops leave the area, is seen by some US and Western officials, including …

Anonymous103 (2022-11-12). Russian Offensive In Ugledar Begins. southfront.org Russian flags in Pavlovka | After several days of heavy fighting in the Ugledar region, the Russian military took control of the village of Pavlovka, located on the southern outskirts of the city. Russian-led forces managed to advance despite the unfavorable terrain conditions. The village is located in the lowlands, which makes it an easy target for the Ukrainian artillery deployed in Ugledar. | Control of the village is of strategic importance because it allows Russian servicemen to block the road along which the Ukrainian…

WSWS (2022-11-12). Trump-appointed judge strikes down Biden student debt relief program. wsws.org Two days after a US midterm election that registered massive popular dissatisfaction with both big business parties and the entire political system, a federal judge in Texas struck down the partial student debt relief program President Joe Biden had announced in August.

Caitlin Johnstone (2022-11-12). Zelensky And Bush To Give Joint Pro-War Presentation. thealtworld.com

Kyle Anzalone (2022-11-12). Ukraine Plans to Create 'Israel-Like' Arms Industry To Produce NATO-Caliber Weapons. news.antiwar.com Kiev is planning a buildup of its weapons industry to produce more sophisticated arms, with Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov saying government takeovers of several companies will help Kiev to create an "army of drones" and other NATO-caliber weapons. The defense chief noted that growing military ties between Kiev and the West makes Ukraine a …

Kyle Anzalone (2022-11-12). Russia Says Arms Control Disputes With US Will Take Time to Resolve. news.antiwar.com Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said upcoming talks in Egypt on nuclear weapons are unlikely to lead to any significant breakthrough. The Kremlin views the current arms control environment as a long-term problem that will take time to resolve. Ryabkov said Russian and American officials will meet sometime in late November or early December, …

Anonymous669 (2022-11-12). Russia's ZALA Developed Digitalized Map Of Ukraine To Train Suicide Drones Operators. southfront.org Lancet-3, screen grab from Russia-24 report. | The map of Ukraine has been fully digitized to train operators of Russian loitering munitions Izdeliye-51 and Izdeliye-52, a spokesperson of the developer of loitering munitions, the ZALA Aero Group, told RIA Novosti on November 12. "In order to ensure the training of cadets as close as possible to combat conditions in our training center, a map of the entire territory of Ukraine was digitized. This allows our drone simulators, including the Izdeliye-51 an…

Kyle Anzalone (2022-11-12). US Treasury Secretary: India, China Won't Be Subject to Price Cap on Russian Oil. news.antiwar.com Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Washington would be happy to see New Delhi continue to buy oil from Moscow at a price above a G7-imposed price ceiling set to take effect next month. The announcement came after India declared it would buy oil from Russia and ignore the price cap. Yellen made the remarks in …

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). UK, EU reportedly planning isolate Russia during G20 Summit. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — The UK and the European Union are reportedly planning to do "everything possible" to isolate Russia during the G20 Summit in Bali next week.

No Borders Media Network (2022-11-12). Anti-Eviction Protesters Demonstrate in Support of Houseless Encampment in Downtown Montreal. itsgoingdown.org Report from No Borders Media on demonstration in support of houseless encampment in Montreal by anti-eviction groups. Anti-eviction protesters demonstrated in support of the homeless camp underneath the Ville-Marie expressway in downtown Montreal. The camp, which has been on-site for at least two years, was scheduled for eviction, ordered by Transport Quebec. Source: No Borders…

Alexander Rubinstein (2022-11-12). Top Zelensky advisor threatens war with Iran. thegrayzone.com A top Zelensky advisor has called for attacks inside Iran as the country's drones cause setbacks for the Ukrainian military. On November 5, Mykhailo Podolyak, an advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, advocated for military strikes on drone production sites located in Iran. President Zelensky echoed Podolyak's belligerent rhetoric the following day, demanding Iran be "punished" for allegedly supplying drones to Russia. Kiev adopted its hostile posture towards Tehran after claiming Russia deployed Iranian-supplied drones to strike Ukrainian civilian infrastructure …

Vijay Prashad (2022-11-12). The attack on nature is putting humanity at risk: The Forty-Fifth Newsletter (2022). mronline.org In the last week of October, Joà£o Pedro Stedile, a leader of the Landless Workers' Movement (MST) in Brazil and the global peasants' organisation La Via Campesina, went to the Vatican to attend the International Meeting of Prayer for Peace, organised by the Community of Sant'Egídio.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). VIDEO: Moment when Kherson bridge blown up. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — The Antonivsky Bridge, the main crossing over the Dnipro River in the city of Kherson, was blown up before dawn on Friday.

Shane Quinn (2022-11-12). Pentagon Nuclear War Plans: Fallout Would Have Wiped Out Many More Countries than Previously Estimated. globalresearch.ca Incisive study by Shane Quinn first published on June 6, 2019 | *** | By 1961 the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, a group of senior military figures advising the president, had concluded that proposed nuclear attacks across China, the USSR and …

Speak Up Act Up (2022-11-12). On the SF Peninsula, Creative Actions to Defuse Nuclear War. indybay.org Right now is the closest the world has been to a nuclear war since the Cuban Missile Crisis. Elderly activists recalled those days and protested during a long weekend of national action.

Jason Ditz (2022-11-12). US, EU Push IAEA to Demand Immediate Nuclear Explanation From Iran. news.antiwar.com Fresh off the latest IAEA quarterly report on Iran, the US and EU are pressuring the IAEA to demand Iran explain past uranium traces. This same resolution The discovery of uranium traces has been around for yea…

Washington's Blog (2022-11-12). The Real Reason America Used Nuclear Weapons Against Japan. It Was Not To End the War Or Save Lives. globalresearch.ca Like all Americans, I was taught that the U.S. dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in order to end WWII and save both American and Japanese lives. But most of the top American military officials at the time said otherwise.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2022-11-12). Ukraine's "Neo-Nazi Summer Camp". Military Training for Young Children. globalresearch.ca The Azov battalion supported by its Western partners is not only involved in para-military operations in Donbass, it is also running a Summer Camp military training project for young children.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). Less than 4 minutes to Tel Aviv. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — Iran has built a hypersonic ballistic missile that can pierce advanced aerial defense shields and hit specific targets, a senior commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) announced on Thursday.

____ (2022-11-12). Magnificent Danxia landform in snow. ecns.cn The Baili Danxia landform is covered with the first snow of winter in Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Nov. 10, 2022.

____ (2022-11-12). China's optimized COVID-19 response measures based on practical experience, data: health official. ecns.cn A Chinese health official said on Saturday that the 20 newly released measures on epidemic prevention and control were well conceived based on ample practical experience and related assessment data.

____ (2022-11-12). China releases measures to optimize COVID-19 response. ecns.cn The Chinese government on Friday released a circular on further optimizing the COVID-19 response, announcing 20 prevention and control measures.

____ (2022-11-12). China handles 552 mln parcels on Double 11 shopping festival. ecns.cn China's express delivery firms handled 552 million parcels on Nov. 11, the Double 11 online shopping festival, 1.8 times the usual daily average, the State Post Bureau said Saturday.

____ (2022-11-12). Liu brothers move closer to potential China switch. ecns.cn Hungary's short-track speed skating stars Sandor Liu Shaolin and Liu Shaoang could be representing China in the future after the Olympic champions lodged applications to change their nationality.

____ (2022-11-12). China optimizes COVID-19 response. ecns.cn The National Health Commission of China released a notice Friday on its optimized COVID-19 control and prevention measures.

____ (2022-11-12). China to launch cargo craft Tianzhou-5 Saturday morning. ecns.cn China will launch the cargo spacecraft Tianzhou-5 from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site on the coast of the southern island province of Hainan at 10: 03 a.m. (Beijing Time) on Saturday, according to the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA).

____ (2022-11-12). Global firms eye China's digital future with avant-garde technologies. ecns.cn From smart glasses to cybersecurity systems, the latest products being showcased at the ongoing 2022 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit have shed light on global firms' ambitions to tap into China's digital future.

____ (2022-11-12). WJ-700 drone displayed on 14th Airshow China. ecns.cn China's WJ-700 drone was displayed at the 14th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition (Airshow China 2022) in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province.

____ (2022-11-12). (100 great changes) China-chic design 'Hualiu' becoming A-lister. ecns.cn In 2021, a group of dancers with high buns, dressed in yellow, green and red, stepped onto the stage. They were holding traditional Chinese instruments, and dancing to wonderful music.

____ (2022-11-12). Over 10,000 to join 2nd part of COP15, China's leadership role reaffirmed: UN officials. ecns.cn China is leading a high level segment of ministers during the event to solve the key issues, said CBD Executive Secretary Elizabeth Maruma Mrema during an online media briefing on the COP15 scheduled for Dec. 7-19 in Montreal.

____ (2022-11-12). International Event Held to Strengthen Wetland Conservation in Cold Regions during COP 14. ecns.cn The International Symposium on the Protection and Restoration of Wetland Ecosystem Functions in Cold Regions was held both online and offline on Thursday bringing some 200 participants from six international organizations and five countries such as USA, Russia, Britain and China.

____ (2022-11-12). Xi Jinping Presides over Meeting of Standing Committee of Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee on COVID-19 prevention and control. ecns.cn The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee held a meeting on November 10 to hear a report on COVID-19 prevention and control and laid out 20 measures to further improve work in this regard. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting and delivered an important speech.

____ (2022-11-12). China launches new environmental satellite. ecns.cn China launched a new environmental satellite from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in northern Shanxi Province Saturday morning.

____ (2022-11-12). China's cargo craft Tianzhou-5 docks with space station combination. ecns.cn China's cargo spacecraft Tianzhou-5, delivering supplies for the space station, conducted a fast automated rendezvous and docking with the combination of the space station Tiangong on Saturday, according to the China Manned Space Agency.

____ (2022-11-12). China launches cargo craft Tianzhou-5 for space station supplies. ecns.cn China launched cargo spacecraft Tianzhou-5 on Saturday morning to deliver supplies for the space station, the construction of which is expected to be completed this year.

John S Ji, Runsen Chen, Feng Cheng, Cunrui Huang, Zhihui Li, Sitong Luo, Kun Tang, Qi Yin, Ai Zhao, Jiming Zhu, Wannian Liang (2022-11-12). [Correspondence] World Health Forum 2022 at Tsinghua University. thelancet.com From Nov 18—20, 2022, Tsinghua University (Beijing, China) will host the second World Health Forum, themed Towards Health Equity, Together for a Shared Future. The forum will discuss mental health inequities, health issues of vulnerable populations, health equity, universal health coverage, climate change, and poverty alleviation. With the UN Sustainable Development Goals now less than 8 years away, progress is urgently needed to close the gap in the inequalities within and between countries. The COVID-19 pandemic has reversed progress on promoting health for all, but particularly for the most vulnerable, r…

____ (2022-11-12). Least developed countries feel China's warmth at import expo. ecns.cn During the CIIE, through the coordination of the organizers, more Chinese enterprises and international institutions extended a helping hand to the least developed countries participating in the expo.

Rafael Poch (2022-11-12). El éxito chino determina la tensión militar. globalizacion.ca Ucrania forma parte y es prolegómeno de la guerra fría actual contra China en Asia Oriental. Desde hace algún tiempo y con una periodicidad aproximada de una vez por mes, fuerzas aeronavales de Estados Unidos entran, demostrativa y provocativamente, en…

TeleSUR- hvh, DRL (2022-11-12). Xi Jinping se reunirá con Biden al margen de la cumbre del G20. telesurtv.net El presidente chino sostendrá encuentros con sus pares de Francia, Estados Unidos, Senegal y Argentina.

Staff (2022-11-12). China lanza con éxito nave de carga para abastecer su estación espacial. cubadebate.cu China lanzó este sábado la nave espacial de carga Tianzhou-5 para entregar suministros para su estación espacial, cuya construcción se espera que finalice este año. El cohete portador Larga Marcha-7-Y6, con el carguero a bordo, despegó a las 22: 03 hora desde la base espacial de Wenchang, en la isla de Hainan.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-12). Canadian Journalist Added to Ukrainian Hitlist. libya360.wordpress.com Deborah L. Armstrong Guy Boulianne of Quebec targeted by "Mirotvorets" Not everyone looks forward to Mondays. The end of the weekend. That alarm which always comes too early. The coffee which never seems like enough to prepare you for the piles of work awaiting you after your stressful commute. But for one Canadian journalist, Monday…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-12). Endless War, Endless Crisis, Fascist Hell: The Chasm the Ukraine Conflict Has Created for NATO Countries. libya360.wordpress.com Rainer Shea Capitalism was always going to devour itself when it became faced with its own collapse. The U.S. ruling class has opened up a chasm for the people within the country, as well as within the wider NATO bloc. It's brought about a combination of international, economic, health, and climatic crises that are going…

Ann Garrison (2022-11-12). Africa Confronts the Food, Fertilizer, and Climate Crisis (Interview). orinocotribune.com The UN has been in negotiations with both Russia and Ukraine to restart Russia's ammonia pipeline. Before its closure due to the Ukraine War, the pipeline pumped up to 2.5 million tons of ammonia per year from Russia's Volga region to Ukraine's Black Sea port of Pivdennyi. | Ammonia is used as fertilizer or converted to nitrogen fertilizer, and the pipeline's closure is said to play a major role in the food and fertilizer crisis triggered first by COVID and now by the Ukraine War. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy offered to reopen it in exchange for Ukrainian POWs, but Russia declined. Both countries stand…

Julie Lévesque (2022-11-12). "Democratization" and Anti-Semitism in Ukraine: When Neo-Nazi Symbols Become "The New Normal" globalresearch.ca In the Ukraine parliament, extremist symbols are on display. The flags of France, the UK, Canada, hang alongside those of the Neo-Nazi Svoboda party together with two White supremacist flags.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-12). Russia Stands Alone Against NATO. libya360.wordpress.com Moscow stands alone in its battle against the US-led NATO military bloc and is capable of vanquishing its enemies on its own, Russia's former president Dmitry Medvedev has said. "Russia alone is fighting NATO and the Western world," Medvedev, who is the deputy head of the nation's Security Council and the leader of the ruling United…

Anonymous103 (2022-11-12). In Video: USAF Test-Fired Its New Rapid Dragon System In Arctic Near Russian Borde. southfront.org On 9 November, NATO forces

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). Infrastructure links expansion in Eurasia to boost trade coop. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — Welcoming Russia's desire to strengthen economic cooperation with Iran, President Raeisi described the expansion of infrastructure links as boosting trade relations and economic cooperation in the region.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). Iran, Russia presidents discuss bilateral relations by phone. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — President Ebrahim Raeisi spoke by phone with Russian counterpart Putin to discuss issues with a focus on increasing cooperation in the political and economic spheres, including transport.

Anonymous669 (2022-11-12). 24 ISIS Terrorists Were Killed During Operation In Syria's Daraa: Russian MoD. southfront.org Syrian forces killed 24 terrorists of ISIS during a special operation in the southern Syrian city of Daraa, Major General Oleg Yegorov, deputy chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria, announced on November 11."Syria's state security units completed a special operation to search for and neutralize terrorists with links to the ISIS terrorist group in the Daraa al-Balad residential area of the city of Daraa," Yegorov said. | Daraa al-Balad is the common name for the souther…

Manlio Dinucci (2022-11-12). Attacco alle Chiese Ortodosse Russe in Ucraina. globalresearch.ca La rassegna stampa internazionale di Byoblu | 72 ∞ puntata: | Il presidente ucraino Zelensky, recitando il copione scritto da Washington, annuncia come precondizione per l'apertura di un negoziato con la Russia che questa ripristini l'integrità territoriale dell'Ucraina, ossia rimetta nelle mani …

Editor (2022-11-12). World at dangerous crossroads, only two paths forward: anti-imperialist socialism or fascist barbarism. mronline.org The US-led imperialist world system is in deep crisis, so it wages a new cold war to prevent multipolarity, while lurching toward fascism. The left must offer a true alternative path that opposes both the far right and the liberal pro-NATO chauvinists.

Scorinoco (2022-11-12). Colombian President's Proposals For Dialogue in Venezuela: Unblocking, Amnesty, Pact of Coexistence. orinocotribune.com The president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, explained his proposals to revive the talks between the Venezuelan government and the opposition coalition Unitary Platform, which he described in a meeting held on Friday, November 11, at the Paris Peace Forum. Jorge Rodríguez, the president of the National Assembly of Venezuela; Gerardo Blyde, the Unitary Platform's coordinator for dialogue, as well as representatives of the governments of France, Argentina, and Norway participated in that meeting. | Petro suggested "unblocking" Venezuela, that is, the lifting of all unilateral coercive measures, a "general amnesty" whi…

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). Europe plunging into recession as inflation hangs on. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — The European Union on Friday warned that the Eurozone will plunge into recession during winter as the energy prices rise.

The Global Research Team (2022-11-12). "The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d'Etat Against Humanity" by Michel Chossudovsky. globalresearch.ca My objective is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the "deadly" COVID-19 "vaccine". This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). Iran's trade with neighbors crosses $29 bn in 7 months. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — According to the latest data released by the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration, Iran's trade with neighbors crossed $29 billion during the 7 months.

WSWS (2022-11-12). Paris mass transit mounts one-day strike against inflation, austerity. wsws.org Yesterday, Paris mass transit workers struck against planned pension cuts and for wage increases as inflation surges around the world.

WSWS (2022-11-12). Paris mass transit strike: Build rank-and-file committees, break union bureaucracies' diktat over strikes! wsws.org Faced with the stifling of workers' struggles by the national union federations, workers must organize independently to fight inflation and war.

WSWS (2022-11-12). Sri Lankan plantation workers union to join President Wickremesinghe's government. wsws.org The CWC is preparing to join the Wickremesinghe government and help it impose IMF austerity and suppress the opposition of workers and the rural masses.

Shane Quinn (2022-11-12). The Folly of War, US Militarism Continues Apace. globalresearch.ca This incisive article by Shane Quinn was first published on July 27, 2020 | ** | The First World War showed plainly that the resort to armed conflict is the most devious and damaging of all policies. Even in the heart of …

____ (2022-11-12). Chinese climber Han Zijun awarded Champion for Peace. ecns.cn Han, among the six winners of the World Peace and Sports Organization, is awarded the Champion for Peace, the Monaco based organization said on Nov. 8, 2022.

Boston Mayday Committee (2022-11-12). Sunday 11/6: Brazilian Elections, Lula's Victory, and Bolsonarism. indybay.org us02web.zoom.us/j/85907977991?pwd=YnBPbFFwcStueEJtcEFUVnN6ais0UT09&fbclid=IwAR2vaI0RuvspvZt9ADyNge1EEx5rDIzLJLANMNzqqOgp1glc9JHZSw29dxo | Meeting ID: 859 0797 7991 | Passcode: 476403 | One tap mobile | +16469313860,,85907977991#,,,,*476403# US | +13017158592,,85907977991#,,,,*476403# US (Washington DC) | Dial by your location | +1 646 931 3860 US | +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) | +1 309 205 3325 US | +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) | +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) | +1 719 359 4580 US | +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) | +1 689 278 1000 US | Meeting ID: 859 0797 7991 | Passcode: 476403 | Find your local num…

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). Iranian short film 'Thirst' awarded at IIUSFF. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — Directed by the Iranian filmmaker Asghar Besharati, the short film "Thirst" was chosen as the best under 1-minute duration short film at the International Inter-University Short Film Festival (IIUSFF).

WSWS (2022-11-12). Editor of German right-wing daily FAZ slanders Roger Waters as an anti-Semite. wsws.org The commentary by FAZ editor Jàºrgen Kaube proves that the campaign against the Pink Floyd founder is deeply reactionary and aims to silence any opposition to oppression and war under the false accusation of anti-Semitism.

Richard Horton (2022-11-12). [Comment] Offline: No dark sarcasm in the classroom. thelancet.com Teaching is frequently judged inferior to research by academic leaders. Professors too often boast about how they have escaped their teaching responsibilities to pursue the exalted goal of science. Teaching versus research is a false dichotomy, of course. But the academic reward system weighs heavily in favour of those who prioritise grants and papers over students and tutorials. Teachers sit in the permanent shadow of scientists. And so it was a refreshing contrast last week to observe the International Conference on the Future of Health Professions Education, convened by the University of Miami, FL, USA.

WSWS (2022-11-12). PSOE-Podemos government exhumes Spanish fascist general Gonzalo Queipo de Llano. wsws.org Official events focussing attention on fascist war criminals like Queipo are bound up with the imperialist powers' drive to a new world war and police-state rule at home.

WSWS (2022-11-12). Far-right deputy launches anti-immigrant outburst in French National Assembly. wsws.org While the French political establishment feigns outrage toward the remarks, RN deputy de Fournas' remarks reflect the racist anti-immigrant policy it has pursued for years.

Fight Back (2022-11-12). Oneida, WI: Rally for indigenous children and in defense of the Indian Child Welfare Act. fightbacknews.org Oeida, WI — On November 9, over 50 people gathered on the Oneida Indian Reservation in northeast Wisconsin to show solidarity with the Oneida people and all indigenous people as a Supreme Court decision regarding the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) looms. The crowd included members of the Oneida Tribal Nation, concerned community members and several organizations that helped facilitate the event. The gathered community members, both tribal and not, were met with hospitality from the Oneida hosts, with homemade corn soup and community-building conversation being shared before the speakers began. | The first…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-12). Bolivia Human Rights Body Alerts of Para-State Violence Against Campesinos. libya360.wordpress.com Edgar Salazar, President of the president of the Permanent Assembly of Human Rights of Bolivia (APDHB). November 11, 2022. The Permanent Assembly of Human Rights of Bolivia is alerting international human rights organizations of acts of violence and racism and other violations aimed at campesinos and the population in general which opposes the indefinite lockout…

_____ (2022-11-12). Qatar in 2022 World Cup pre-start excitement. journal-neo.org With little time left before the World Cup in Qatar kicks off on November 21, the excitement for organizers and participants is growing by the day. Some 1.2 million fans are expected to travel to the emirate from all over the world, exceeding Doha's current hotel capacity by more than 30,000 rooms. There is a wide …

David Skripac (2022-11-12). "The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d'Etat against Humanity": Book Review. globalresearch.ca

Editor (2022-11-12). Kingston tenants win historic 15% rent reduction. mronline.org A grassroots tenant-organizing victory comes after Orlando and several cities across CA adopted rent control on Tuesday.

Editor (2022-11-12). Secrets of an AT&T Scandal. scheerpost.com By David Rosen / CounterPunch On October 14th, AT&T's Illinois subsidiary agreed to pay a $23 million fine to resolve a federal criminal investigation into alleged misconduct involving the company's efforts to unlawfully influence former Illinois Speaker of the House Michael J. Madigan. Madigan was a very influential political player. The Justice Department notes that, in addition …

JANET (2022-11-12). Cherokee Nation: Broken treaties and Indigenous sovereignty. iacenter.org By Will Hodgkinson November 10, 2022 The Cherokee Nation has renewed its long-standing demands that the U.S. Congress honor its treaty obligations by seating a nonvoting delegate from the Nation in the House of Representatives. A drum circle during the Trail of Broken Treaties occupation of the Bureau of Indian Affairs building by the American Indian Movement, Washington, D.C., November 1972. Credit: Geoffrey Gilber The right of the Cherokee Nation to have a congressional representative was a key concession in the 1835 Treaty of New Echota. Flunkies of President Andrew Jackson's administration coerced a minority…

Janna Corredor (2022-11-12). ALBA-TCP Evaluates Economic Cooperation with the Caribbean. orinocotribune.com

Rqorinoco (2022-11-12). Dutch Bank Incriminated in Murder of Environmental Activist Berta Cáceres Expands Activities in Latin America, Refuses to Accept Responsibilities (Statement). orinocotribune.com Honduran social movement COPINH issued the following statement after the Dutch bank FMO, implicated in the assassination of Berta Cáceres, opened its Latin America headquarters in Costa Rica. | The FMO Bank, whose former CEO is convicted of orchestrating the assassination of Honduran environmental activist Berta Cáceres, has opened a new headquarters in the city of San José, Costa Rica. The Bank refuses to accept responsibility for the death of Cáceres and the violence inflicted on other indigenous activists. The bank has not yet paid compensations to the victims, and is instead expanding its activities in the re…

Rqorinoco (2022-11-12). Jorge Rodríguez: Dialogue and Agreements With Opposition Require Lifting Sanctions. orinocotribune.com On Friday, November 11, the president of the Venezuelan National Assembly (AN), Jorge Rodríguez, stated that any process of dialogue and agreements with the opposition necessarily require the lifting of all unilateral coercive measures "that have cruelly affected the social and economic structures of the entire Venezuelan society." | He expressed the willingness of the Venezuelan government to advance in a general agreement with the opposition, but this requires the so-called international community to understand that the unilateral coercive measures imposed on Venezuela must be lifted. | "There are 762 sanctions…

Scorinoco (2022-11-12). Stealing Syria's Water (Part 1). orinocotribune.com By Reem Haddad — Nov 9, 2022 | Pictures show that there is hardly any water in the Euphrates River—the branch passing through Syria and Iraq, for the water has been taken hostage by Turkey. In legal treaties and protocols signed between Syria and Turkey, the agreed flow of water to Syria is to be 0 cubic meters per second. Today it doesn't exceed 200 cubic meters per second. | This decline has caused severe damage to farmers in Syria, and consequently to the already deteriorating food security of the country's population. The agricultural areas dependent on the Euphrates River in eastern Syria are th…

____ (2022-11-12). ASEAN agrees in principle to admit Timor-Leste as 11th member. ecns.cn The leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) agreed on Friday in principle to admit Timor-Leste as the 11th ASEAN member, according to an ASEAN leaders' statement.

Dr. Mike Yeadon (2022-11-12). Dr. Michael Yeadon on the Covid Crisis: The Most Important Single Message I've Ever Written. globalresearch.ca

Isha Ray (2022-11-12). [Perspectives] The moral and political case for water and sanitation rights. thelancet.com In 2010, resolution 64/292 of the UN General Assembly formally recognised the human right to water and sanitation, proclaiming that the right to clean drinking water and sanitation is essential to the realisation of all other human rights. The recognition that a service sector delivers a human right takes the justification for universal access to clean water and sanitation beyond public health concerns or economic cost—benefit calculations; it calls out water and sanitation as a universal entitlement by virtue of being human.

Stephen Jenkenson, M. Div, MSW (2022-11-12). Saturday 12/3: Nights of Grief and Mystery Event. indybay.org Nights of Grief & Mystery Full Band Ticket link: Berkeley, CA | December 3, 2022 @ 7: 30 pm – 9: 30 pm | Facebook event…

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). Iraqi F-16 fighterjets pound ISIL positions in Saladin. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — Iraqi forces on Friday targeted ISIL positions in Saladin province with F-16 fighterjets and pounded the terrorists' positions.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). French FM claims two more French citizens being held in Iran. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — Two more French citizens have been detained in Iran, bringing to seven the number of people from France held in the country, Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna said Saturday.

Phoebe Thomas Sorgen (2022-11-12). Friday 11/11: BFUU OPEN MIC REVIVAL. indybay.org BERKELEY, 1924 Cedar St. a block east of MLK, corner of Bonita Ave, midway between downtown & North Berk Bart.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). All the types of containers. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — There are many different types of shipping containers available today. Find out what they are and why you should choose one over another.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). Two explosions rock Afghanistan capital. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — According to media reports, two explosions hit Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). Gharibabadi criticizes US, West false narrations. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — Deputy Chief of the Iranian Judiciary and secretary of the High Council for Human Rights said on Saturday that Iran will not allow the US and West to divert the minds of countries with their contradictory and false narrations.

WSWS (2022-11-12). Hurricane Nicole and the climate crisis. wsws.org The impact of the rare November hurricane is quite significant because of its large geographical extent, even if it is weaker than Hurricane Ian.

____ (2022-11-12). Cradle of Civilization: Gaochang Ancient City Ruins. ecns.cn

____ (2022-11-12). 7 Chinese cities accredited as int'l wetland cities. ecns.cn Of the seven Chinese cities, Hefei of the eastern Anhui Province has five national wetland parks and three provincial wetland parks, with a wetland protection rate of 75 percent, the highest within the province.

Andrew D Weeks, Zarko Alfirevic (2022-11-12). [Comment] Induction of labour: first, do no harm. thelancet.com In previous decades, the potential health gains of induction of labour for the fetus were always tempered by the increased risks of adverse maternal outcomes, especially the increased risk of caesarean section. Induction of labour was therefore reserved for high-risk pregnancies such as those complicated by maternal hypertension, fetal growth restriction, or prelabour ruptured membranes. With increased effectiveness and safety of induced labour, randomised trials now suggest benefits of induction not just in situations of increased fetal risk but also for healthy, uncomplicated pregnancies.

Editor (2022-11-12). The burden Western liberals impose only on Palestinians. mronline.org Since the beginning of Zionist Jewish colonization of their country in the 1880s, Palestinians have faced demands that they carry a double burden: to fight off the Jewish racist colonists while having to defend their colonizers against anti-Jewish European Christian racism.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). Headlines of Iran's Persian dailies on November 12. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — Mehr news agency takes a look at the headlines of Iran's Persian-language dailies on Saturday, November 12.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). India's imports from Iran doubled in current year. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 13 (MNA) — India's Ministry of Commerce and Industry announced on Saturday that imports of this country from Iran in the first eight months of the current year in 2022 doubled.

Paul Webster (2022-11-12). [World Report] US Government agencies consider action on PFAS. thelancet.com Experts recommend that doctors begin testing patients for perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, which are ubiquitous and linked to ill health. Paul Webster reports.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). Iraqi fighter jets target ISIL positions in Kirkuk prov. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — Iraqi news sources on Saturday reported that several ISIL terrorists were killed in an airstrike in Kirkuk province.

____ (2022-11-12). Archaeological discoveries shed some light on Yin Ruins. ecns.cn Located 2.4 kilometers from the ancestral temple of the Yin Ruins, the Shaojiapeng site is believed to be a major living area for a clan named "Ce" in the Shang Dynasty 1600 BC-1100 BC.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). Zahedan-Khash railroad inaugurated. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — Zahedan-Khash Railway as a part of the largest infrastructural project in the east of Iran namely the Chabahar-Zahedan-Sarakhs Railroad is inaugurated on Thursday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). Pomegranate harvest in central Iran. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — Gardeners in Yazd Province have started harvesting pomegranates as fall arrives.

____ (2022-11-12). Cultural relic preservation at Taipei Palace Museum criticized by public. ecns.cn

Udani Samarasekera (2022-11-12). [World Report] UK—India trade deal could "jeopardise" generic medicines. thelancet.com Médecins Sans Frontières has criticised the draft free trade agreement, saying that its provisions will affect the global provision of medicines. Udani Samarasekera reports.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). POGC to drill 35 new wells in South Pars. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — Pars Oil and Gas Company (POGC) is planning to spud 35 new wells in the supergiant South Pars gas field to enhance and maintain gas production in the massive joint field.

WSWS (2022-11-12). UAW Local 1302 vice president reports management was sent ballots in UAW elections: "This isn't right, and workers should know about it" wsws.org "My name is Sherman Gray, I'm the vice president of UAW Local 1302. I would like to report that management is being sent ballots in the UAW elections, and they may be voting. I'm not showing bias to any candidate, but this isn't right and workers should know about it."

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). Iran winner against Australia: FIBA. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — FIBA, the International Basketball Federation, has announced that Iran's national team is victorious against Australia.

____ (2022-11-12). Beijing bourse unveils rules for margin trading, securities lending. ecns.cn The Beijing Stock Exchange has unveiled rules for margin trading and securities lending to prepare for the start of such businesses.

WSWS (2022-11-12). Brazilian union bureaucrats travel to Germany amid massive job cuts at Mercedes-Benz. wsws.org The SMABC leaders went to convince the German bosses of their ability to suppress opposition in the factory in Brazil, while the Mercedes' subsidiary cuts wages and jobs and increases time on the line to boost profits.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). Top officials stress being in close contact with people. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — The heads of three power branches of the Iranian government emphasized Raeisi, Ejei, and Ghalibaf stressed the necessity of being in close contact with people in Saturday's joint meeting.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). Georgia terms Iran role as important in regional peace. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — Referring to the role of Iran in regional peace and security, the Georgian Prime Minister called the resolution of regional countries' conflicts a factor of stability and a foundation for development and prosperity.

WSWS (2022-11-12). Jerry Lee Lewis, galvanic force of early rock and roll (1935-2022). wsws.org Lewis epitomized rock and roll and rebellion in the late 19 s. He left an indelible mark with his hard-driving, boogie-woogie piano playing and forceful singing.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). Autumn horse racing tournament in North Khorasan. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — As many as 80 Turkoman horses are taking part in the annual horse racing in Bojord the capital city of North Khorasan Province in northeast Iran.

____ (2022-11-12). Xi to attend G20 Summit, APEC Economic Leaders' meeting and visit Thailand. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend the 17th Group of 20 (G20) Summit in Bali, Indonesia, from November 14 to 17, at the invitation of President Joko Widodo of the Republic of Indonesia, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying made the announcement here on Friday.

WSWS (2022-11-12). US 2022 midterm elections live updates: Republican Party infighting intensifies after midterms. wsws.org The defeat of Republican candidates for federal and state offices who were hand-picked by Trump has exacerbated tensions within the Republican Party.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). Front pages of Iran's English dailies on Nov. 12. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — Here are the front pages of Iran's English language dailies on Saturday, November 12.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). Iran, Oman poised to deepen economic ties as officials meet. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — Iranian and Omani business officials met in Tehran to express their readiness to deepen economic relations using the capablities of joint investment towns.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). US hinders extension of ceasefire in Yemen. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — Local Yemeni media say that the United States is hindering efforts to extend the ceasefire between Riyadh and Sana'a.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). Iranian shooter Shahi secures 2024 Paralympics berth. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — Nasrin Shahi of Iran secured berth for the 2024 Paralympic Games in Paris.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). Germans hold demonstrations in protest to price hike. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 13 (MNA) — Thousands of Germans held massive demonstrations in Berlin in a protest to the high prices of goods in this country.

The Lancet (2022-11-12). [Editorial] Why is health literacy failing so many? thelancet.com Health literacy is vital to good health and wellbeing. It is fundamental to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 and is a crucial tool to deliver universal health coverage. People need to know how to prevent disease and navigate health-care systems to ensure good health outcomes. However, many are not able to make healthy choices, even in countries with the strongest health systems. Why is this? Traditionally, health literacy has focused on an individual's ability to access, understand, appraise, and use information to maintain good health.

WSWS (2022-11-12). PSOE-Podemos government ignores surge of COVID-19 cases in Spain. wsws.org The pseudo-left Podemos party bears political responsibility for the massive spread of the virus and the dismantling of testing and data reporting on COVID-19.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). Dozens killed, injured in Egypt after bus falls into canal. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — Dozens of people were killed and injured when a bus fell into a canal in northern Egypt on Saturday, the Health Ministry said.

Anonymous669 (2022-11-12). Syrian Artillery Fire Kills Two Militants In Greater Idlib. southfront.org © / Iliya Pitalev | On November 12, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) carried out a series of artillery strikes on the northwestern region of Greater Idlib which is occupied by several factions of al-Qaeda and Turkish-backed militants. | The strikes targeted militants' positions in the outskirts of the towns of Benin, Ruweiha, Kafar Aweed, Fatterah and Sufuhon within the mountainous area of al-Zawiya in the southern countryside of Idlib. | According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, two…

Himmatrao Saluba Bawaskar (2022-11-12). [Correspondence] Nomination for Nobel Prizes: is it possible for Indian scientists? thelancet.com In August, 2021, India celebrated 75 years of independence. However, an independent India has never celebrated an Indian Nobel laureate in medicine and physiology. Research in India is primarily done by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), the Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR), the Department of Science & Technology (DST), the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

Lise Alves (2022-11-12). [World Report] Health-care challenges for new Brazilian President. thelancet.com Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's administration must tackle budget constraints, weaknesses in primary care, and a shortage of doctors. Lise Alves reports from Sà£o Paulo.

WSWS (2022-11-12). Canadian workers express solidarity with Will Lehman's campaign for UAW president. wsws.org Lehman is calling on workers to build rank-and-file committees to place power in the hands of the workers and unify their struggles with their class brothers and sisters around the world. through the International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees to wage a common fight against globally mobile corporations.

WSWS (2022-11-12). Western Australian state Labor government applies to Industrial Relations Commission to shut down nurses' action. wsws.org The McGowan government's application to the IRC highlights its commitment to implementing an austerity agenda and in line with the federal Labor government's budget in October.

____ (2022-11-12). Guilin suffers from severe drought. ecns.cn A severe drought has been plaguing Guilin from late July to mid November of the year. The average rainfall was 78.8 millimeters, the lowest in the history of the same period, reaching the meteorological drought standard.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). Grand Imam of Al Azhar invites Iran for Islamic talks. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — The Grand Imam of Al Azhar of Egypt has invited Iran for Islamic talks, and Iran, while welcoming, is ready to send and exchange a delegation.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). Iran wins eighth World Championship in sitting volleyball. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — Iran men's national sitting volleyball team defeated Bosnia 3-nil in the final match of the World Championship in Sarajevo on Friday.

WSWS (2022-11-12). GM Flint Assembly workers launch rank-and-file committee, endorse Will Lehman for UAW president. wsws.org A group of workers at GM Flint Truck Assembly issued a statement announcing the formation of a rank-and-file committee, describing the deplorable conditions they face at the plant.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). FM holds talks with Spanish, Sweden, Bulgarian counterparts. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian held separate phone talks with his Spanish, Sweden, and Bulgarian counterparts on Friday.

WSWS (2022-11-12). Australia: New COVID-19 variants fuel another surge of infections. wsws.org COVID-19 cases are once again rising across Australia, driven by the highly contagious and immune-evading Omicron XBB and BQ.1 subvariants.

WSWS (2022-11-12). UN report: Record food import prices threaten food insecurity for hundreds of millions worldwide. wsws.org The UN Food and Agriculture Organization's Food Outlook report predicts that the global food import bill, the price countries pay to secure food supplies, will rise to an all-time high of $1.94 trillion in 2022, up 10 percent from last year.

____ (2022-11-12). Comicomment: Inequality at the ballot box. ecns.cn The 2022 midterm election exposed an America of deep divides over race and ethnicity. Ahead of Tuesday's Midterm Elections, GOP and Democrat candidates made promises in order to gain votes from ethnic minorities, but ignore their demands after election.

Jocalyn Clark (2022-11-12). [Perspectives] Gary Barker: advocate for men's health and gender equality. thelancet.com Researcher and advocate Gary Barker has been influential in the feminist project for healthy masculinities. His work has shown the importance of collaborating with men and boys to address the harmful gender norms and unequal power dynamics that create inequities in society and in health. Gender equality efforts have traditionally focused on women and girls. "But for transformative, sustainable change", says Barker, "men and boys must be seen as part of the solution and they must see themselves as partners in the process.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-12). Four wounded in shooting near Canada college. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) — A shooting that sent four people to hospital and another gun-related incident forced thousands of students at two Montreal area colleges to go into lockdown on Friday.

Angela Saini (2022-11-12). [Perspectives] Why the preoccupation with sex? thelancet.com "How do we know that research that's primarily done on young, White, healthy males can be extrapolated to women?" asked the President of the Society for Women's Health Research in Washington, DC, USA, back in 2011. Today, that question has become a mantra. Scientific funding bodies, researchers, and journals have dramatically stepped up their commitments to including sex as a variable in biological research. But how can we be sure that sex really is so significant in all aspects of health research? What evidence do we have that the biological differences between men and women are profound even in the areas in whi…

____ (2022-11-12). Since It Is Friday. To My Trolls I dedicate This)). smoothiex12.blogspot.com I know, these are their lives, but it takes a genius to describe those;)) I am not sure, though, they will even get it. Because all of them are… Next.

____ (2022-11-12). Chinese premier meets Cambodian king. ecns.cn Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met with King Norodom Sihamoni of Cambodia at the Royal Palace here on Friday.

ERICA (2022-11-12). South Korea police admit failures at Itaewon stampede. indybay.org

Staff (2022-11-12). Presidente cubano se reunió con Secretario General Iberoamericano. cubadebate.cu Recibió el primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel, al secretario general Iberoamericano, Andrés Allamand Zavala. Cuba reiteró su disposición a contribuir en todo lo que pueda aportar en materia de cooperación a la comunidad iberoamericana, en particular en el enfrentamiento a la pandemia.

TeleSUR- DRL (2022-11-12). Barco humanitario llega a Francia con 230 inmigrantes. telesurtv.net La decisión de Francia suscita fuertes tensiones con Italia y desencadena un nuevo debate sobre el tema de la inmigración.

Staff (2022-11-12). El tiempo: Calor y algunas lluvias en centro y oriente. cubadebate.cu Estará parcialmente nublado en centro y oriente, poca nubosidad en la región occidental. Se nublará en la tarde en algunas localidades de centro y oriente, con algunos chubascos y tormentas eléctricas que ocurrirán principalmente en zonas del interior, los que serán aislados en el resto del país.

TeleSUR, MER (2022-11-12). Gobierno venezolano avanza en camino del diálogo con oposiciones. telesurtv.net El representante del Gobierno venezolano ante el diálogo resaltó la importancia del levantamiento de las 762 medidas coercitivas impuestas contra el país.

Staff (2022-11-12). Vale-No vale: Saneamiento, comercio interior y ahorro energético. cubadebate.cu Cubadebate continúa con su sección Vale-No vale para reconocer, una vez más gracias a los comentarios y correos de los lectores, todo aquello que vale porque mejora nuestras vidas, desarrolla el país o nos hace mejores ciudadanos, y señalar también todo lo que no vale y merece ser cambiado.

Staff (2022-11-12). PNR alerta sobre hechos delictivos vinculados al cambio de divisas en el mercado negro. cubadebate.cu El Ministerio del Interior viene enfrentando de manera priorizada casos de robo con empleo de violencia, vinculados con el cambio de divisas en el mercado ilícito, por lo cual se hace necesario alertar sobre los modos de operar de sus autores para prevenir que sigan ocurriendo estos hechos lamentables, publicó la PNR en su sitio web.

Mouris Salloum George (2022-11-12). México La tragicomedia anual del presupuesto. globalizacion.ca El año entrante, México dispondrá de un presupuesto histórico, de 8.3 billones de pesos, conforme a lo aprobado por el Congreso. La cifra dice mucho y a la vez nada, hasta que se menciona que es el mayor en…

Valerio Arcary (2022-11-12). Lula será presidente: Una victoria política gigante. globalizacion.ca 1. Merecemos estar felices, aunque estemos preocupados. La elección de Lula fue una victoria política gigante aunque, electoralmente, haya sido estrecha, por dos razones fundamentales: | a) fue una disputa muy difícil si tenemos en cuenta la relación social de fuerzas…

Misión Verdad (2022-11-12). Violence And Drug Trafficking in Ecuador Going Out of Control. orinocotribune.com Ecuador is experiencing one of the most violent periods of terrorism and criminal violence in its history, which has reached such an extent that the government decreed a state of emergency in three provinces, Guayas, Esmeraldas, and Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, to control organized crime gangs that have taken over the prisons. | Violence spread to the streets after Ecuadorian prison authorities transferred 1,000 inmates from prisons in the coastal regions to facilities in the interior of the country. Car bombs at gas stations, attacks on police units and health centers, as well as a prison riot in which securi…

TeleSUR, lvm, MER (2022-11-12). Marchan contra violencia hacia la mujer en República Dominicana. telesurtv.net El Observatorio de Igualdad de Género en República Dominicana contabilizó en 2021 unos 87 feminicidios.

Staff (2022-11-12). Informan estado de salud de clavadista cubano que sufrió accidente en su escuela. cubadebate.cu La Escuela Superior de Formación de Atletas de Alto Rendimiento (Esfaar) Giraldo Córdova Cardín y el Instituto de Medicina del Deporte han informado en las últimas horas sobre el estado de salud del clavadista cubano Luis Gustavo Cañabate àÅlvarez. El joven atleta de 19 años de edad sufrió un accidente por caída, en la escuela, en la madrugada de este sábado.

Staff (2022-11-12). Taxis voladores sobre París para los Juegos Olímpicos de 2024. cubadebate.cu Los promotores de los "taxis voladores" en el área de París planean mostrar su servicio transportando a sus primeros pasajeros durante los Juegos Olímpicos y Paralímpicos de 2024. Se pronostica que una docena de los vehículos Volocopter no tripulados de propulsión eléctrica estarán operando desde cinco bases en la región de la Isla de Francia, informa Le Parisien.

Staff (2022-11-12). øCómo y por qué termina la Primera Guerra Mundial. telesurtv.net Con el Tratado de Versalles se puso fin oficialmente a la Primera Guerra Mundial, tras cuatro años de lucha que dejó más de nueve millones de fallecidos.

Staff (2022-11-12). La Unión Eléctrica pronostica una afectación de 1 158 MW para el horario pico nocturno. cubadebate.cu La Unión Eléctrica (UNE) estima para el horario pico nocturno de este sábado una disponibilidad de 2 012 MW y una demanda máxima de 3 100 MW, para un déficit de 1 088 MW. De mantenerse las condiciones previstas, se pronostica una afectación de 1 158 MW en ese horario, informó la entidad en su comunicado habitual.

Staff (2022-11-12). Arriba a la mayor de las Antillas el primer vuelo directo Madrid-Santiago de Cuba. cubadebate.cu El primer vuelo directo Madrid-Santiago de Cuba arribó este viernes al aeropuerto internacional Antonio Maceo de esa ciudad oriental, como viaje inaugural de la temporada turística de invierno. La Ciudad Héroe figura entre los principales destinos vacacionales de Europa por sus tradiciones históricas y musicales.

Staff (2022-11-12). øQué opina sobre la modalidad de venta a plazos? Participe en la encuesta de Cubadebate. cubadebate.cu Cubadebate está realizando un reportaje dedicado al tema de las ventas a plazos, por está razón lazamos la encuesta para saber la opinión de nuestros lectores sobre el tema. Desde que comenzaron a funcionar los establecimientos para las ventas a plazos, han desatado en la población sentimientos de agradecimiento y también de inconformidad.

TeleSUR- hvh, DRL (2022-11-12). Movimiento indígena presenta plan para gobierno de Lula. telesurtv.net Mayor representatividad en el gobierno y avanzar en las demarcaciones son algunas de las demandas indígenas.

TeleSUR, lvm, JGN (2022-11-12). Bahamas informa que huracán Nicole no dejó daños considerables. telesurtv.net El país no presenta "pérdida de vidas, ni heridos graves", indicó el primer ministro en funciones de las Bahamas, Chester Cooper.

Staff (2022-11-12). Tasas vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este sábado 12 de noviembre. cubadebate.cu Con el objetivo de mantener informados a sus lectores, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este sábado 12 de noviembre en el mercado cambiario del país.

Staff (2022-11-12). Qué trae la prensa cubana, sábado 12 de noviembre de 2022. cubadebate.cu

Staff (2022-11-12). Congreso nacional de Otorrinolaringología: Innovación para el desarrollo en beneficio del paciente. cubadebate.cu Cirugía endoscópica en la esfera de la otorrinolaringología, el estudio del vértigo, las neoplasias de cabeza y cuello, las patologías del oído, la otorrinolaringología en pediatría, los trastornos de la voz, la logopedia y la foniatría, fueron algunas de las temáticas del X Congreso Nacional de Otorrinolaringología (ORL) y Cirugía de Cabeza y Cuello.

TeleSUR, jaa, JGN (2022-11-12). Librerías digitales: una vía para no aislarse del conocimiento. telesurtv.net Durante la pandemia, los libros digitales tomaron una relevancia superior debido al aislamiento social y cierre de servicios.

Staff (2022-11-12). Enrique Pérez Mesa: "El espectáculo empieza desde que sales a escena" (+ Fotos y video). cubadebate.cu Las manos de Enrique Pérez Mesa sostienen la batuta y van dirigiendo los acordes de cada uno de los instrumentos de la Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional hasta la cúspide de la perfección.De espaldas al público, el músico disfruta de este acto de creación porque cuando tiene la batuta en la mano se siente dueño del momento, y a la vez, carga el peso y la responsabilidad de la Sinfónica.

TeleSUR, hvh, DRL (2022-11-12). Presidente de AN venezolana participa en V Foro de París por la Paz. telesurtv.net El presidente del Parlamento enfatizó que "estamos convencidos que el camino de Venezuela es el diálogo".

Staff (2022-11-12). Elecciones de medio término: EEUU pendiente al conteo de votos en Arizona y Nevada. cubadebate.cu EE.UU. sigue pendiente del conteo de votos en Nevada y Arizona para conocer la nueva composición del Senado. Aunque las autoridades alertaron que el recuento para dar los resultados podría demorar días e incluso semanas, algunos conservadores hicieron cuestionamientos sobre el proceso, acusando incluso a los funcionarios electorales de "ser lentos".

Staff (2022-11-12). Expocuba ultima detalles casi a las puertas de Fihav 2022. cubadebate.cu El Primer Ministro cubano chequeó los preparativos que se llevan a cabo en Expocuba para la celebración, entre los días 14 y 18 de noviembre, de la Feria Internacional de La Habana, una de las citas comerciales más importantes de la región. "Es importante que los expositores se distingan por su profesionalidad", consideró Marrero Cruz.

TeleSUR, jaa, MER (2022-11-12). Gobierno boliviano reitera llamado a deponer paro en Santa Cruz. telesurtv.net El ministro boliviano reiteró que el pueblo quiere trabajar y tiene derecho a hacerlo en el departamento de Santa Cruz.

TeleSUR -odr -YSM (2022-11-12). ONU alerta necesidad urgente de reducir emisiones en sector industrial. telesurtv.net El ente propone soluciones claves para emplear formas neutras en carbono en las industrias intensivas de energía.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-11-12). Presidente de Bolivia anuncia que censo se realizará el 23 de marzo de 2024. telesurtv.net "Con base a estos resultados preliminares (del censo) se hará la redistribución de recursos en septiembre de 2024, un mes antes de lo que habíamos propuesto", apuntó Arce.

Staff (2022-11-12). Principales economías mundiales acuerdan reducir emisiones de combustibles fósiles. cubadebate.cu La UE, EE.UU., Japón, Canadá, Noruega, Singapur y el Reino Unido firmaron una declaración conjunta sobre la reducción de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero procedentes de los combustibles fósiles, en ocasión de la 27 Conferencia de las Partes de la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-11-12). Expresidente boliviano Evo Morales reitera agradecimientos a AMLO y Fernández. telesurtv.net El exmandatario reveló que los autores del golpe de Estado trataron "hasta el último momento" de atentar en contra de su vida.

Staff (2022-11-12). En fotos, las aves de Cuba. cubadebate.cu Hasta el momento, en nuestro país se han reportado 371 especies de aves, de las cuales 280 son comunes, 73 se observan solo ocasionalmente y dos están extintas. El 42% del total anida en el territorio nacional y el 70% de las especies son migratorias.

TeleSUR, lvm, MER (2022-11-12). Finaliza VI Conferencia de Cooperación Internacional de la AEC en Cuba. telesurtv.net Los debates estuvieron enfocados en los desafíos de la región y en tópicos sobre tecnología, financiamientos, sostenibilidad y cooperación.

TeleSUR- hvh -DRL (2022-11-12). Expresidente Trump acusa de desleal a gobernador de Florida. telesurtv.net Las declaraciones de Trump se producen luego de que DeSantis insinuara la posibilidad de presentarse a la presidencia.

TeleSUR, gao, JCM (2022-11-12). Al menos veinte muertos provoca explosión en Nigeria. telesurtv.net El siniestro también provocó medio centenar de heridos de diversa gravedad y 30 autos totalmente incinerados.

TeleSUR -odr -YSM (2022-11-12). Elevan a siete los casos de viruela símica en Paraguay. telesurtv.net Todos los pacientes confirmados hasta ahora son del sexo masculino y su edad promedia 36 años.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-11-12). Tiroteo cerca de un colegio de Montreal deja cuatro heridos. telesurtv.net Los disparos se escucharon a las 17H30 horas locales en un parque frente al Montmorency College en el suburbio de Laval, señaló la policía canadiense.

Staff (2022-11-12). La Casa del Dragón, una de las series más esperadas del 2022. cubadebate.cu Hace varias semanas terminó la transmisión de la primera temporada de House of the Dragon (HOTD), una serie que, desde el anuncio de su filmación, mantuvo preocupados a muchos de los fanáticos de Juego de Tronos.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-11-12). Expresidente Evo Morales reitera agradecimientos a AMLO y Fernández. telesurtv.net El exmandatario reveló que los autores del golpe de Estado trataron "hasta el último momento" de atentar en contra de su vida.

Staff (2022-11-12). Cerca de 280 000 toneladas de fertilizantes rusos están retenidas en puertos europeos. cubadebate.cu Hasta 280 000 toneladas de fertilizantes minerales de Rusia están detenidas en puertos europeos, informó hoy el vicecanciller de ese país, Serguéi Vershinin. En este contexto, Rusia presentó una iniciativa según la cual los fertilizantes detenidos se entregan en forma gratuita a los países más pobres, en particular a los africanos.

TeleSUR, odr, YSM, JGN (2022-11-12). Costa Rica confirma tres nuevos casos de viruela del mono. telesurtv.net Los casos más recientes son hombres de entre 33 y 43 años que residen en San José (capital).

TeleSUR, jaa, MER (2022-11-12). Reportan un palestino herido por fuerzas israelíes en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net Varios de los manifestantes también presentaron asfixia como consecuencia del gas lacrimógeno lanzado por los soldados de Israel.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-11-12). Bolivia anuncia que censo se realizará el 23 de marzo de 2024. telesurtv.net "Con base a estos resultados preliminares (del censo) se hará la redistribución de recursos en septiembre de 2024, un mes antes de lo que habíamos propuesto", apuntó Arce.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-11-12). Denuncian que jueza boicotea causa de atentado contra vicepresidenta argentina. telesurtv.net En un video publicado en su cuenta de Twitter, la expresidenta afirma: "Es evidente que el partido judicial no quiere a Cristina como víctima; la quiere presa o muerta".

TeleSUR, jaa, JGN (2022-11-12). Argentina publica lista de convocados al mundial de Qatar 2022. telesurtv.net La baja más sensible para Argentina será la de Giovani Lo Celso por lesión. Lo Celso ha sido de los jugadores más importantes en el esquema de Scaloni.

TeleSUR- hvh, DRL (2022-11-12). EE.UU. extiende TPS hasta 2024 para seis países. telesurtv.net El Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS) informó que la medida se aplicará hasta el 30 de junio de 2024.

TeleSUR, lsl, JGN (2022-11-12). øPor qué asesinaron a Yasser Arafat. telesurtv.net A pesar de la negación sionista, varios hechos muestran la voluntad israelí de eliminar al líder palestino, símbolo de la lucha por la autodeterminación.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-11-12). Asean acepta en principio membresía de Timor Oriental. telesurtv.net Otros temas que se discutirán en la cumbre de la ASEAN incluirán la escalada de tensiones entre Corea del Norte y del Sur.

TeleSUR, MER (2022-11-12). Rechazan informe aprobado por subcomisión del Congreso peruano. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado aseguró que el pueblo peruano es el principal testigo de lo que se ha realizado por el país, así como de quién está trabajando o no.

Staff (2022-11-12). Conozca las reglas para el establecimiento y empleo de los servicios de firma digital de documentos electrónicos. cubadebate.cu Con la finalidad de establecer los principios fundamentales para el mejor funcionamiento de los servicios de firmas digitales de documentos electrónicos, basados en dispositivos y técnicas criptográficas, la Gaceta Oficial No. 70 Extraordinaria publicó las reglas generales para su establecimiento basado en la Resolución 23/2022, del Ministerio del Interior.

Editor (2022-11-12). "We're all in prison, as long as Julian's in prison": exclusive interview with Stella Assange. mronline.org On Friday, October 7th, with some of the fellow promoters of the 24 hours for Assange, we attended the Wired Next Fest 2022, hosted for the occasion by the Fabbrica del Vapore in Milan.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-11-12). Rechazan intentos golpistas promovidos desde el Congreso en Perú. telesurtv.net La principal concentración ocurrió en la Plaza San Martín, en la capital Lima, donde se aglutinaron las organizaciones sociales que respaldaron la gestión del mandatario Castillo.

Staff (2022-11-12). De Cienfuegos a Pinar del Río, el "Vara" y sus amores. cubadebate.cu

TeleSUR, lvm, JGN (2022-11-12). Rechazan que censo en Ecuador sea un genocidio estadístico. telesurtv.net La Conaie resaltó que en el marco del Estado Plurinacional e Intercultural habitan 18 pueblos y 15 nacionalidades indígenas.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-11-12). COP27 analiza alternativas para la descarbonización. telesurtv.net Centrarse en las industrias intensivas en carbono tiene como objetivo reducir las emisiones, según la COP27.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-11). Lula Must Save Brazil from Savage Capitalism. libya360.wordpress.com Vijay Prashad, Zoe Alexandra Bolsonaro had accelerated a project that Cardoso says was an "avalanche of savage capitalism. It is a capitalism that kills, that destroys, that makes a lot of money for a few people" Juliana Cardoso is sitting in her office in front of a lavender, orange, and yellow mandala that was made for…

Vijay Prashad (2022-11-11). The Attack on Nature Is Putting Humanity at Risk. dissidentvoice.org Heloisa Hariadne (Brazil), Com uma gota já se faz oceano pra sede se matar em mergulho ('A drop of water becomes an ocean to quench a diver's thirst'), 2021. In the last week of October, Joà£o Pedro Stedile, a leader of the Landless Workers' Movement (MST) in Brazil and the global peasants' organisation La Via …

Anonymous103 (2022-11-11). Military Overview On November 11: Russian Army Left The City Of Kherson. southfront.org Ukrainian flags in the city of Kherson | On November 11, the Russian military left the right bank of the Dnieper River in the Kherson region, including the city of Kherson, which has recently entered the Russian Federation. | The decision of the Russian military command to withdrew forces from Kherson and other settlements on the right bank was declared on November 9 but the first Russian units had left the area days before. | So far, the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) have approached the city of Kherson from the west…

Anonymous103 (2022-11-11). Satellite Imagery Shows Bridges In Kherson Region Destroyed. southfront.org

Anonymous765 (2022-11-11). Russian Withdrawal From Kherson and Its First Political Results. southfront.org |

Brian Berletic (2022-11-11). New Atlas LIVE: Kherson Withdrawal Seeing the Bigger Picture. thealtworld.com

Brian Berletic (2022-11-11). Russia's De-militarization of Ukraine Continues US Sending Decades-Old Arms to Kiev. thealtworld.com Update on Russian military operations in and around Ukraine for November 11, 2022. | Russia completes withdrawal from Kherson city to east bank of the Dnieper River; | Ukraine has lost its last major opportunity to corner and destroy/capture large numbers of Russian forces/equipment; | Russia continues stated process of de-militarizing Ukraine; | US aid to Ukraine becomes increasingly unrealistic Hawk missiles designed in the 1960s and unused for 2 decades are being "refurbished" for a lack of better options; | "Avenger" systems to be sent in small numbers (4) which are essenti…

Dave DeCamp (2022-11-11). 'Seize the Moment': Gen. Milley Sees Opportunity for Peace Talks Between Russia and Ukraine. news.antiwar.com Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley said on Wednesday that he sees an opportunity for negotiations between Russia and Ukraine now that Moscow has announced its retreat from Kherson and that the two sides should "seize the moment." "When there's an opportunity to negotiate when peace can be achieved, seize it," …

Dave DeCamp (2022-11-11). Ukraine Expects Russian Withdrawal From Kherson to Take at Least One Week. news.antiwar.com UPDATE (11/11/22 2: 00pm): Russia says they have completed the withdrawal from Kherson. Ukraine's defense minister said Thursday that Russia will need at least a week to withdraw from the southern Ukrainian city of Kherson and remove all of its forces from the west bank of the Dnieper River. "It's not that easy to withdraw these troops …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-11). Military Update: Transfer of Russian Troops to Left Bank of Dneiper River Completed. libya360.wordpress.com Statement by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation ( 11.11.2022 ) On November 11, at 5 a.m. Moscow time, the operation on the Kherson direction was completed to transfer the group of Russian troops to the left bank of the Dnieper. All personnel, weapons and military equipment of the group were withdrawn to…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-11). Russia's De-militarization of Ukraine Continues — US Sending Decades-Old Arms to Kiev. libya360.wordpress.com Update on Russian military operations in and around Ukraine for November 11, 2022. — Russia completes withdrawal from Kherson city to east bank of the Dnieper River; — Ukraine has lost its last major opportunity to corner and destroy/capture large numbers of Russian forces/equipment; — Russia continues stated process of de-militarizing Ukraine; — US aid…

En.mehrnews (2022-11-11). Kherson part of Russia; no changes to its status. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (MNA) — "The Kherson region is a part of Russia, this status is fixed, and there can be no changes to it," Kremlin spokesman Peskov said on Friday.

____ (2022-11-11). Russia announces Kherson troop withdrawal. ecns.cn Russia announced on Wednesday that it was withdrawing its forces to the eastern side of the Dnieper River in the Kherson region.

Alan MacLeod (2022-11-11). Peter Beinart Leads Charge to Cancel Palestinian American Journalist Mnar Adley. thealtworld.com The latest victim of cancel culture wave is MintPress News founder and editor-in-chief Mnar Adley. Adley had been booked to host and moderate an event discussing anti-Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) laws in the United States, and how Palestinians are under increasing pressure to silence themselves, when she was herself, ironically, removed | The

Lee Camp (2022-11-11). The TSA Has Assaulted Us For 20 Years With Nothing To Show For It. mintpressnews.com "The reality is that TSA has played next to no role in the biggest counterterrorism stories of the past two decades. According to the think tank RAND, intelligence and security services manage to foil nearly two-thirds of terrorist plots in the planning stages." — Darryl Campbell…

_____ (2022-11-11). At 11:00 On 11/11 Remember That WWIII Is No More Needed Than The First Two. popularresistance.org At the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis it was generally permissible in the United States to say you supported negotiations for peace and disarmament — I mean without declaring your hatred for China or liberals or black people. Had it not been so, we might not be here to talk about it. | But it was not so at the time of World War I. At that time, you could get locked in prison for peace talk. Had there been nuclear weapons at the time, we might not be here to talk about it. | It's useful, after over a century of continuing to use war as the preferred means of ending war, to remember momentarily what The Gre…

Editor (2022-11-11). 'So Irresponsible': US Condemned for Warning Australia Against Joining Anti-Nuclear Treaty. scheerpost.com

En.mehrnews (2022-11-11). Russia, US to meet on New START nuclear arms treaty in Cairo. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (MNA) — Russia and the United States will meet soon in Cairo for discussions on the New START nuclear arms treaty, Deputy Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov was quoted as saying on Friday.

Caitlin Johnstone (2022-11-11). Real Democracy Means Democracy Of Information: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix. thealtworld.com Listen to a reading of this article: | The media are lying to us, as evidenced by reality never matching with their stories. | The politicians are lying to us, as evidenced by their never delivering on their promises. | The capitalist class are lying to us, as evidenced by their getting richer while workers get poorer. | ‚ùñ | I don't want innovations which improve my shopping experience or make smartphones a tiny bit better, I want innovations which eliminate world hunger, innovations which make it so people have more free time, innovations which help humans live in harmony with our ecosys…

Anonymous669 (2022-11-11). New Smart Sight For Mortars Successfully Tested In Donbass (Video). southfront.org Click to see full-size image. Source: t.me/rogozin_do | A new "smart sight" for mortars has been successfully tested in the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), Dmitry Rogozin, former head of Russia's Roscosmos space corporation, announced via his The smart sight was tested on a heavy mortar by service members from the DPR's 1st Army Corps at the Tsarist Wolves training center, which was established very recently to help…

Ben Norton (2022-11-11). Exposed: US meddled in Ecuador's election, using Julian Assange as bargaining chip. multipolarista.com A former minister of Ecuador testified that the US government conspired with a right-wing political party to run a disinformation campaign against the leftist Correísta movement, backing a millionaire banker for president in exchange for giving up journalist Julian Assange, who had asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy.

Ben Norton (2022-11-11). Corruption exposed: US meddled in Ecuador's election, using Julian Assange as bargaining chip. multipolarista.com A former minister of Ecuador testified that the US government conspired with a right-wing political party to run a disinformation campaign against the leftist Correísta movement, backing a millionaire banker for president in exchange for giving up journalist Julian Assange, who had asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-11). Senior cleric hails IRGC for achieving hypersonic missile. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (MNA) — Tehran's provisional Friday prayers leader hailed the hypersonic ballistic missile developed by the IRGC Aerospace Force as a great achievement.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-11). Ghalibaf hails IRGC for hypersonic missile capability. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (MNA) — The speaker of the Iranian parliament Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf has praised the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force for achieving the capability to make hypersonic missiles.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-11). IRGC Aerospace to unveil hypersonic missile in future: cmdr. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (MNA) — Commander of Aerospace Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Brigadier General Amir-Ali Hajizadeh said the announced hypersonic missile will be unveiled in due time in future.

_____ (2022-11-11). John Pilger: The US Is Escalating War Tensions With China. popularresistance.org In an interview with Finian Cunningham, internationally renowned journalist and documentary filmmaker John Pilger says America is driving war against China, not out of strength but rather from a fear of losing its erstwhile sole superpower position. | The driving forces are multiple: the United States' sense of itself as a diminishing global power; the destructive militarism of US capitalism and its "Merchants of Death"; deep-seated historical racism towards China; and an anachronistic American notion of "divine right" to dominate the rest of the globe. | China is not an intrinsic military threat to the US. It ce…

PACBI (2022-11-11). FIDE's Gambit. Don't Sacrifice Palestinian Rights for Israeli Apartheid. bdsmovement.net

Danny Haiphong (2022-11-11). China Forges Bonds of Friendship as It Builds a Modern Socialist Country. orinocotribune.com By Danny Haiphong Nov 7, 2022 | Co-editor of Friends of Socialist China Danny Haiphong places the historic meeting between Nguyen Phu Trong, general secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), and Chinese President and CPC general secretary Xi Jinping in the context of the US's ongoing trajectory of decline. He argues that while China is forging deep bonds of solidarity with socialist countries, the US is committing errors that will only strengthen China's model of cooperation as a global alternative for oppressed nations. | The Communist Party of China (CPC) concluded its 20th National Congress in l…

Dave DeCamp (2022-11-11). Biden to Meet With Xi Next Week at G20 Summit in Indonesia. news.antiwar.com The White House announced Thursday that President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping will hold a meeting The talks will mark the first in-person meeting between the two leaders since President Biden came into office in January 2021. They are expected to discuss multiple issues, including Ukraine and the simmering tensions between the US and China over Taiwan. | A sen…

Infobrics (2022-11-11). Economists Discuss Russia, China Potentially Developing Gold-Backed Currency. infobrics.org Economists have weighed in on reports that China and Russia may be developing a new gold-backed currency that could undermine the U.S. dollar's status as the world's primary reserve currency…

Infobrics (2022-11-11). Russian LNG Supplies to China Up 29% in January-September to 4.23 Mln Tons. infobrics.org LNG supplies from Russia to China increased by 29% in January-September 2022 in annual terms to 4.23 mln tons, the General Administration of Customs of China reported…

Infobrics (2022-11-11). BRICS Is Becoming the Big Kid on the Block: Implications for Australia. infobrics.org Russia, China, and Iran are developing alternative routes of trade and finance, and cooperation with other nations. Perhaps the biggest product of sanctions has been to encourage the rapid development of BRICS plus, now a very strategically important block…

Pepe Escobar (2022-11-11). Bamboo Diplomacy: The China-Southeast Asia Romance. globalresearch.ca

____ (2022-11-11). Freight volume grows on China-Laos Railway. ecns.cn Freight volume transported via the China-Laos Railway surpassed 10 million metric tons on Monday, about a month before its first anniversary.

____ (2022-11-11). Nvidia offers alternative chips to China amid U.S. export controls. ecns.cn The U.S. chip company Nvidia is coming up with alternative products for the Chinese market while complying with the U.S. government's export controls to the country.

____ (2022-11-11). Chipmakers highlight China's role. ecns.cn Prominent integrated circuit companies demonstrated their cutting-edge technologies at the fifth China International Import Expo, highlighting China's importance in the global semiconductor industrial chain amid external uncertainties.ns.

____ (2022-11-11). Nation's first marathon man passes away at 95. ecns.cn The man who inspired the country's very first marathon by setting a record at that distance in China has died at 95.

____ (2022-11-11). Order book from international import fair grows to record high. ecns.cn The record value of deals reached at the fifth China International Import Expo, which came to $73.5 billion this year, reflects China's dedication to further opening-up and the huge potential of the Chinese market.

____ (2022-11-11). Plan details platform for medical services. ecns.cn China plans to build a consolidated and coordinated health information platform by 2025 to provide better medical services and guard against public health threats, according to a recent document.

____ (2022-11-11). High-level China-U.S. dialogue anticipated. ecns.cn The Foreign Ministry confirmed on Thursday that China and the United States are in communication about a meeting between President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Joe Biden in Bali, Indonesia.

____ (2022-11-11). Tentative deals totaling 73.5 bln USD signed at 5th import expo. ecns.cn The fifth China International Import Expo (CIIE) concluded in Shanghai Thursday, with a total of 73.5 billion U.S. dollars worth of tentative deals reached for one-year purchases of goods and services.

____ (2022-11-11). China, U.S. maintain informal communication on climate change: FM. ecns.cn The Chinese and U.S. climate envoys have maintained informal communication, and China's position on the China-U.S. climate change talks has not changed.

TeleSUR-mcs, DRL (2022-11-11). China denuncia que EE.UU. intenta frenar su desarrollo. telesurtv.net Las medidas impuestas durante la administración del exmandatario Donald Trump, constituyen una limitante para las inversiones globales.

____ (2022-11-11). El Salvador ends 'pact' with Taiwan region. ecns.cn China on Thursday highly commended El Salvador's decision to end its "free-trade agreement" with the Taiwan region, saying that the move was in the fundamental and long-term interests of the two countries.

_____ (2022-11-11). Why the Taliban, ISIS and Ukraine are not so different when it comes to blowing up monuments. journal-neo.org Lately, it has become increasingly common to read in various media reports about the destruction of various cultural and historical sites and monuments in Ukraine. For example, on November 2, according to local media reports, there was an explosion in the Ukrainian city of Nikolaev. However, this was not the result of shelling of the …

Editor (2022-11-11). History of Fascism in Ukraine Part II: The OUN during World War 2, 1941-1945. mronline.org The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists or OUN is the most successful post-war fascist group.

Infobrics (2022-11-11). Political West using Ukraine to probe, discredit Russian military. infobrics.org The political West wants to discredit the Russian military and secure long-term financing for the Kiev regime.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-11). Canada's Nazi Monument Problem. libya360.wordpress.com Taylor C. Noakes Ukrainian Nazi Schutzmannschaft Battalion 201 with Roman Shukhevych (sitting, second from left), 1942. A monument in Edmonton, Canada, commemorates Shukhevych, who was responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands in genocidal campaigns during the Holocaust era. A journalist in Edmonton is the most recent Canadian to be charged with vandalizing a…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-11). Famous Ukrainian Nazi Visits U.S.: Azov Regiment Photographer Traveling From DC to NYC. libya360.wordpress.com Moss Robeson Three days before the last of Ukraine's defenders in Mariupol surrendered in May, one of them tweeted, "NAZI!!!!" Dmytro "Orest" Kozatsky, a 26-year old fighter from the notorious Azov Regiment holed up in the Azovstal steel plant, where he became the head of its press service, tweeted this in response to a Dutch…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-11). Western Leaders, Populations Call for Halting Money Flow to Ukraine. libya360.wordpress.com Ekaterina Blinova On November 10, Hungary blocked ‚Ǩ18 billion in EU financial aid to Ukraine, triggering a wave of criticism from the bloc's leadership. Budapest said that it has had enough of joint EU borrowing initiatives. Meanwhile, protesters in Italy and other EU nations have called for arms to stop being sent to Ukraine and…

Kyle Anzalone (2022-11-11). White House to Send Ukraine Avenger Surface-to-Air Missiles. globalresearch.ca

_____ (2022-11-11). Lessons For Armistice Day 2022. popularresistance.org For many years, countries around the world marked Nov. 11 as Armistice Day, commemorating the date in 1918 on which the horrors and destruction of World War I were finally brought to an end. In many countries, that remembrance bore a strong anti-war message. | Today, as the killing and destruction multiply in Ukraine, we should look at some of the key lessons that can be gleaned from the record of that war. | Crucially, a recent book by historian Philip Zelikow unearths the previously almost unknown history of a mediation effort that U.S. President Woodrow Wilson undertook, at the request of the leaders of both s…

Rainer Shea (2022-11-11). Woke Imperialism: The Tactic Liberals Are Using To Try To Delay Revolution in the Imperial Center. orinocotribune.com By Rainer Shea Nov 9, 2022 | Democratic Party infiltrators are at this moment the biggest threat to the communist movement in the USA. Conversely, the pro-NATO psyop is the largest propaganda operation happening at present. The great priority of our ruling class as of now is to maintain imperial hegemony, which they're trying to do by using Ukraine as a cudgel to destabilize Eurasia. They're sacrificing the U.S. economy's stability, as well as the stability of Europe's, in order to make their geopolitical ploy in Ukraine pay off. | It's getting increasingly apparent that such a payoff for the empire won't c…

En.mehrnews (2022-11-11). Iran opposes Ukraine war, supports peace and a ceasefire. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (MNA) — The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman has once again lambasted the Western countries' for leveling accusations against Iran, saying that Iran opposes the Ukraine war and supports peace and a ceasefire.

____ (2022-11-11). EU proposes $18b loans to shore up Ukraine budget. ecns.cn The European Commission on Wednesday proposed an 18 billion euro ($18 billion) financial assistance package to Ukraine next year to meet its budgetary needs, after failing to secure the pledged amount this year.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-11). Iran opposes Ukraine war, supports peace and ceasefire. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (MNA) — The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman has once again lambasted the Western countries for leveling accusations against Iran while they started the war themselves and now urge for its continuation.

Anonymous103 (2022-11-11). Hackers Leaked Secret Documents Of NATO Intelligence In Ukraine. southfront.org The anonymous team of hackers known as "Joker DPR", which On November 11, they leaked secret documents of NATO commanders to the AFU and US, Canadian, British for…

Anonymous669 (2022-11-11). Russia Shipped Western Weapons Captured In Ukraine To Iran — Report. southfront.org

_____ (2022-11-11). Colombia And Venezuela, Brother Nations Reunite. popularresistance.org Colombian President Gustavo Petro and Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro met in Venezuela's capital Caracas on Tuesday, November 1, two months after formally re-establishing diplomatic relations and a month after resuming trade between the two neighboring countries. (3 months after the inauguration) | This was the first time that Petro and Maduro met since the mending of bilateral relations in late August. It was a historic meeting as it marked the further strengthening of the diplomatic ties between Colombia and Venezuela, which got increasingly worse with the intensification of attacks against Venezuela by the…

_____ (2022-11-11). General Strike Threat Beats Ontario's Anti-Worker Law. popularresistance.org Ontario, Canada – Ontario workers delivered a spectacular blow to Premier Doug Ford's government this week. Just four days after ramming through unprecedented anti-worker legislation, Bill 28, Ford appeared in a hastily called press conference on Monday morning to announce its full repeal. | Ford claimed this was a good-faith gesture to kickstart negotiations with Ontario's 55,000 education workers, who had entered their second day of an "illegal" strike. | But his actions the previous week had painted a very different picture: of a government hell-bent on stripping workers of their rights to strike and bargain.

_____ (2022-11-11). Low-Income Countries Bear Brunt Of Climate Change. popularresistance.org Climate change is affecting nations in a disproportionate manner with tropical low-income countries with a lesser share in emissions bearing the brunt in comparison to wealthy nations that are more responsible for global warming. | A research paper published in Science Advances recently estimated the economic loss faced by countries due to climate change over a period of 20 years. | From 1992 to 2013, the global economy suffered losses amounting to around $5 trillion-$29 trillion due to global warming. But the insurmountable global loss in terms of economy, the research suggests, was not equally shared. Worryingl…

_____ (2022-11-11). More Than 600 Fossil Fuel Lobbyists Attend COP27. popularresistance.org At last year's COP26 UN climate conference in Glasgow, there were more representatives from the fossil fuel industry, at more than 500, than from any individual country. | At this year's climate talks in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, that number has increased by more than 25 percent. An analysis from Corporate Accountability, Corporate Europe Observatory and Global Witness found that there were at least 636 fossil fuel lobbyists registered at COP27, more than the combined delegations of the 10 countries most impacted by the climate crisis. The findings renewed calls to ban fossil fuel representatives from attending cli…

_____ (2022-11-11). UN Expert Calls For Lifting Unilateral Sanctions 'Suffocating' Syrian People. popularresistance.org UN Special Rapporteur on unilateral coercive measures and human rights Alena Douhan today urged sanctioning States to lift unilateral sanctions against Syria, warning that they were perpetuating and exacerbating the destruction and trauma suffered by the Syrian people since 2011. | "I am struck by the pervasiveness of the human rights and humanitarian impact of the unilateral coercive measures imposed on Syria and the total economic and financial isolation of a country whose people are struggling to rebuild a life with dignity, following the decade-long war," Douhan said. | In a statement following her 12-day vis…

_____ (2022-11-11). Why Democrats Don't Win The Way They Should. popularresistance.org "What better way for corporate Dems to maintain the appearance of fighting for the people (while actually preserving the status quo) than for the GOP to hold more power? That way, Dem leaders can blame Republicans for gridlock, while keeping their donor class happy." Peter Daou, former democratic strategist | Votes are still being counted in the midterm elections. It isn't clear which party will control the House and the Senate with so many races still in contention. Democrats won a senate seat in Pennsylvania, while a Georgia race is so close that it will probably result in a runoff election which will determine…

Editor (2022-11-11). Who's really behind Burkina Faso's coup? mronline.org Western media fixates on coup supporters waving Russian flags in Burkina Faso's capital while overlooking the long history of U.S. and French control over the country—and its destabilizing consequences.

Infobrics (2022-11-11). US admits provoking Russia in the Arctic. infobrics.org Destabilizing US action in the Arctic tends to worsen global security crisis.

Steve Watson (2022-11-11). Video: Biden Thinks Russia Invaded Iraq. globalresearch.ca

Zero Hedge (2022-11-11). Watch: US Drops Experimental 'Parachuted' Missile in Arctic as Warning to Russia. globalresearch.ca

En.mehrnews (2022-11-11). Large Russian trade delegation to arrive in Iran soon: envoy. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (MNA) — Iranian Ambassador to the Russian Federation Kazem Jalali said that a large trade delegation from the Russian Federation will arrive in Iran in the very near future to further expand bilateral trade and economic relations.

Anonymous669 (2022-11-11). Syrian Forces Advance Deep In ISIS Stronghold In Daraa City. southfront.org FILE IMAGE:/ Iliya Pitalev. | The Russian-backed Syrian security operation against ISIS cells in the southern part of Daraa city, commonly known as Daraa al-Balad, is still ongoing. | On November 11, local fighters leading the operation advanced deep into the al-Sad street and managed to capture several positions of the terrorists. The Syrian military provided the fighters with fire support. Battle tanks, artillery and mortars targeted the terrorists and their positions. | Local fighters and former rebels <...

Andrew Perez (2022-11-11). Washington's $32 Billion Crypto Scam. levernews.com

Dean Baker (2022-11-11). The Crushing Health Care Cost Burden that Never Came. cepr.net Back in the 1990s we had ostensibly serious budget debates that were centered on avoiding a dark future where the deficits either soared to infinity or taxes took up all of our income. Private equity billionaire Peter Peterson provided much of the fuel for these debates. His money supported austerity promoting outfits like the Concord …

Johanna Kichton (2022-11-11). People's Action Demands Transparency and Justice in New Letter to Elevance Health. peoplesaction.org Elevance Denies Medically Necessary Care While Profiting $2.3 Billion in Q3 Earnings Report Contact: Johanna Kichton, press@peoplesaction.org, 202.660.0605 WASHINGTON, DC—People's Action's Care Over Cost campaign sent a letter demanding access to health insurance, transparency, and justice for denied patients to Elevance Health earlier this week. The Care Over Cost campaign helps people appeal and overturn …

WSWS (2022-11-11). Whistleblowers reveal unsafe conditions on Sydney Metro construction project in Australia. wsws.org Sources within management say they have been pressured to play down the severity of safety issues on the multi-billion dollar railway project as part of "a culture of trying to avoid delay at all costs."

En.mehrnews (2022-11-11). Iran's exports to Iraq to reach $10bn by yearend: Official. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (MNA) — The Secretary-General of Iran-Iraq Joint Chamber of Commerce said that the country's exports of products to neighboring Iraq will reach $10 billion before the end of this Iranian year 1401 (to end Mar. 20, 2023).

WSWS (2022-11-11). Australian university union hails Labor's cost-cutting budget. wsws.org The NTEU praised the budget, even though it cements a $10 billion cut to university funding over the past decade and is predicated on the greatest attack on working-class living standards since World War II.

Dave DeCamp (2022-11-11). UN Rapporteur Calls for Lifting of US Sanctions Harming Syrian Civilians. news.antiwar.com A UN special rapporteur on Thursday called for the removal of US and other Western sanctions on Syria as they are having a devastating impact on the civilian population and preventing the country from rebuilding after 11 years of war. Alena Douhan, a special rapporteur on unilateral coercive measures, made the comments after a 12-day …

CounterSpin (2022-11-11). Gene Slater on Housing Crisis, Rakeen Mabud on Inflation Coverage. fair.org New York Times ( This week on CounterSpin: As Eric Horowitz

WSWS (2022-11-11). Spanish Morenoite CRT covers for sellout of Barcelona bus strike. wsws.org The Morenoite Revolutionary Workers' Current (CRT) is now fraudulently promoting the union bureaucracy's sellout as the way forward to fight inflation and war.

WSWS (2022-11-11). October inflation report: Prices continue to devastate living standards of US workers. wsws.org While the Consumer Price Index for October showed a reduction in the overall inflation rate, the brutal increases in food, energy and housing costs are further eroding working class living standards.

WSWS (2022-11-11). General strikes in Belgium and Greece, mass walkouts in France. wsws.org The strikes are being driven by surges in the cost of living with inflation continent-wide at its highest rate in decades.

Dana Sanchez (2022-11-11). Professor Roubini, Who Predicted 2008 Global Financial Crisis: Crypto Is The Biggest Criminal Scam In Financial History. moguldom.com New York University Professor Nouriel "Dr. Doom" Roubini, who warned in 2006 that the U.S. housing bust would cause a financial crisis, has described crypto and its recurring crises as the mother of all Ponzi schemes. Roubini tweeted on Nov. 11 to his 560,700 followers: "99.9% of crypto should be banned or regulated out of …

Editor (2022-11-11). "If Europe is incapable of working for peace, it will vanish from history!" mronline.org Georges Martin: Switzerland has always considered that there are two elements to its neutrality: the "right of neutrality" in case of war, as stipulated in the Hague Convention of 1907, and the "policy of neutrality".

Edward Curtin (2022-11-11). Who Knew: We're Here Because We're Here Because We're Here Because We're Here. dissidentvoice.org My title comes from a song sung by soldiers as they marched to hell in the trenches of World War I and the same song my sisters and I sang in the car as our parents drove us to our summer vacation in paradise at Edgewater Farm. I think of this as we march to …

Edward Curtin (2022-11-11). "War and Peace Absurdly Juxtaposed", Who Knew: We're Here Because We're Here Because We're Here Because We're Here. globalresearch.ca

Hanan Zaffar, Jyoti Thakur (2022-11-11). Travel Bans, Intimidation and Detentions: Journalists in India Under Attack. towardfreedom.org Arbitrary travel bans against journalists and activists critical of the ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) are trending in India. This is particularly the case for journalists from the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir, report Hanan Zaffar and Jyoti Thakur.

Michael Welch (2022-11-11). Canadian Support for NAZI Collaborators after World War II. LEST WE FORGET. A Remembrance Day Special. globalresearch.ca

Otis Grotewohl (2022-11-11). Book review: 'Sanctions: A Wrecking Ball in a Global Economy'. workers.org When the U.S. and its Western European allies declare war or drop bombs on another country, it is common for progressive-minded individuals to collectively organize some type of protest out of anger. When the same imperialist forces unleash "sanctions," also known as "economic warfare," against another country, there isn't always . . . |

Prof. John Weeks (2022-11-11). Walking Wide Awake into World War III. globalresearch.ca

Otis Grotewohl (2022-11-11). Book review 'Sanctions: A Wrecking Ball in a Global Economy'. workers.org When the U.S. and its Western European allies declare war or drop bombs on another country, it is common for progressive-minded individuals to collectively organize some type of protest out of anger. When the same imperialist forces unleash "sanctions," also known as "economic warfare," against another country, there isn't always . . . |

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2022-11-11). Stolen Election Update. "Mysterious Sharp Upward Readjustment of the Count for Democratic Candidates" globalresearch.ca

En.mehrnews (2022-11-11). UN council's meeting to impact Iran's ties with West: FM. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (MNA) — In a telephone conversation with the UN Secretary-General, Iran's Foreign Minister warned about the negative effects of the political action of the Human Rights Council on Iran's cooperation with the West.

WSWS (2022-11-11). German companies announce mass redundancies and social cuts. wsws.org It is necessary to break the dominance of the trade unions and build independent rank-and-file committees to organise the struggle against job cuts, wage cuts and war.

The Defender (2022-11-11). CHD Rutgers Lawsuit Moves Forward, as Rutgers Announces Trial with Pfizer on COVID Vaccines for Kids Under 5. globalresearch.ca

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-11). Africa Does Not Want to Be a Breeding Ground for the New Cold War. libya360.wordpress.com Tricontinental On 17 October, the head of US Africa Command (AFRICOM), US Marine Corps General Michael Langley visited Morocco. Langley met with senior Moroccan military leaders, including Inspector General of the Moroccan Armed Forces Belkhir El Farouk. Since 2004, AFRICOM has held its 'largest and premier annual exercise', African Lion, partly on Moroccan soil. This past June, ten…

Ajamu Baraka (2022-11-11). For African/Black Working Class and Colonized Peoples, Midterm Elections in the U.S. Offer No Relief from War, Repression and Capitalist Misery. dissidentvoice.org Skidrow in Los Angeles, California (Photo: Genaro Molina / Los Angeles Times) The agenda was set with the Lewis Powell Memorandum in 1971. Written at the request of the United States Chamber of Commerce, probably the most influential structure of capitalist rule at the time, the concern for the Chamber was the need to find …

Dr. Peter McCullough (2022-11-11). The Department of Homeland Security's "COVID-19 DISINFORMATION TOOLKIT": The U.S. Government Office of Medical Censorship and Propaganda. globalresearch.ca

Project Censored (2022-11-11). The Climate Crisis, Its Global Impacts, and What Is To Be Done. projectcensored.org This week, Eleanor Goldfield looks at COP, climate, and change with the Minister of State for Environment, Climate Change and Technology of the Republic of Maldives, Khadeeja Naseem. They discuss…

Alex Kimani (2022-11-11). Hundreds of Fossil Fuel Lobbyists to Attend COP27. globalresearch.ca

Bloomington ABC (2022-11-11). Fire Ant: Anarchist Prisoner Solidarity #14. itsgoingdown.org Announcing Fire Ant #14, a publication featuring the writings of anarchist prisoners. PDF for Printing Fire Ant is a quarterly publication focused on spreading the words of anarchist prisoners and generating material solidarity for our imprisoned friends. Begun as a collaboration between anarchist prisoners and anarchists in Maine, Fire Ant seeks to raise material aid…

Dana Sanchez (2022-11-11). Startup Raises $90M To Bring The Family Office Model To Those With $100K Of Investable Assets. moguldom.com Originally set up to manage the fortunes of the ultrarich, the family office model may see some disruption thanks to a new tech startup with deep-pocketed backers and a goal of reaching a wider audience by lowering the barrier to entry. Arta Finance, a Silicon Valley-based financial technology firm that aims to replicate the family …

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2022-11-11). How the FDA and CDC Are Hiding COVID Jab Dangers. globalresearch.ca

Editor (2022-11-11). A People as President and their municipal elections. mronline.org The high level of participation of young people and women highlights the profound democratization of Nicaraguan society that has taken place in the last fifteen years.

Editor (2022-11-11). Commune or nothing! Venezuela's transition to socialism. mronline.org Venezuelan leader Hugo Chávez defined communes as the key blocks to building socialism from the bottom up.

Editor (2022-11-11). Nicaragua: A People as President and Their Municipal Elections. mronline.org The high level of participation of young people and women highlights the profound democratization of Nicaraguan society that has taken place in the last fifteen years.

Emanuel Pastreich (2022-11-11). Reflections on the 2022 Midterm Elections. "This New Congress Is a Mere Appendage of Wall Street" globalresearch.ca

Fight Back (2022-11-11). Chicago students demand reproductive health clinic on campus. fightbacknews.org Chicago IL – On November 7, more than 30 activists from Students for a Democratic Society and the Freedom Road Socialist Organization gathered for a march at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Students demanded the administration open a reproductive health clinic on campus and provide free birth control for all students. The protest is part of an ongoing campaign by Students for a Democratic Society to demand the university do more to defend women's and reproductive rights in the face of the mounting Republican attacks. | Rallying outside of the student center, SDSers gathered a crowd as they spoke, condemni…

G. Dunkel (2022-11-11). Stubborn resistance will confront foreign intervention in Haiti. workers.org The U.S. has attempted to assert control over the sovereignty of Haiti for over 200 years — from the 1804 economic sanctions imposed when Haitians freed themselves from enslavement and established an independent country to the 1991 kidnapping and exile of democratically elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide — to this very . . . |

Hassan Diab Support Committee (2022-11-11). Join Rally in Ottawa on Sunday November 13, and Other Public Actions to Protect Hassan Diab from Further Injustice! globalresearch.ca

Infobrics (2022-11-11). Is US world order in decline. infobrics.org US-led Western hegemony has peaked in all domains – even in the ideological one.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-11). US Political Prisoner Mutulu Shakur Granted Parole. libya360.wordpress.com Natalia Marques Photo: Family & Friends of Mutulu Shakur After over 36 years in prison, movement elder, political prisoner, and revolutionary health worker Mutulu Shakur has been granted parole with less than six months to live The US Parole Commission granted parole to US political prisoner Mutulu Shakur in October, who is now 72 after spending over…

Isheka N. Harrison (2022-11-11). Police Union Endorsed Wes Moore, Newly Elected Governor. Can Black Maryland Trust Him? moguldom.com Wes Moore made history during Tuesday's midterm elections when he became the first Black governor-elect of Maryland. He sailed to victory with over 60 percent of the vote. Moore — an army veteran, former non-profit executive and author — was endorsed by the Maryland Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), former President Barack Obama, the Maryland State Education Association, and …

Isheka N. Harrison (2022-11-11). 'Is Kyrie Irving Antisemetic? Hell No!': More Current And Former NBA Players Come To Irving's Defense, NBPA To Appeal Suspension. moguldom.com The number of NBA executives, current and former players denying Kyrie Irving is antisemitic is beginning to grow. It's been two weeks since the Brooklyn Nets guard began receiving immense backlash for posting a link to the film "Hebrews To Negroes: Wake Up Black America," which many have deemed as antisemitic. Irving's failure to condemn the film …

Jeff Abbott (2022-11-11). The Other Americans: Haiti's Political Collapse. progressive.org The July assassination of President Jovenel MoàØse set in motion one of the country's most severe prolonged crises.

Joachim Hagopian (2022-11-11). The 2022 Midterm — Yet Another Steal? globalresearch.ca

John Gee (2022-11-11). A Snapshot of Shifting Israeli Propaganda and Myths Over the Years. globalresearch.ca

Junaid S. Ahmad (2022-11-11). Imran Khan Shooting: Pakistan Has Reached a Tipping Point. globalresearch.ca

Kerbie Joseph (2022-11-11). Dr. Mutulu Shakur granted parole after 36 years as political prisoner. liberationnews.org Dr. Mutulu Shakur has been granted parole and will soon be released from prison.

Liberation Staff (2022-11-11). PSL Editorial — Half measures can't stop climate catastrophe. liberationnews.org It is truly remarkable that Biden would have the nerve to use the summit as an opportunity to lecture the world about the importance of taking action against climate change.

Lyn Neeley (2022-11-11). Koreans oppose U.S. military aggression. workers.org Five days of large-scale U.S.-South Korea joint military drills aimed at North Korea began Oct. 31 and were executed in collaboration with Japan and Australia. South_Korean_Protests_Against_US_8.13.22.jpg The U.S. media repeatedly reported that "Operation Vigilant Storm" was in retaliation to four missiles fired by North Korea. These joint military drills were . . . |

Marie Kelly (2022-11-11). In Pennsylvania prison, gender affirmation victory. workers.org In an email thanking the Pennsylvania Institutional Law Project (PILP), the first person — identified in court documents as Mx. Doe — to receive gender-affirming surgery, while incarcerated by the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections, wrote: "I had surgery today, still can't believe it is true. . . . No one . . . |

Marisol Dominguez-Ruiz (2022-11-11). Our Veterans Need Support, Not Incarceration. aclu.org Shawn Jensen was 17 years old and escaping an abusive adoptive home when he enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps in 1966. One year later, Shawn was sent to Vietnam, where he faced combat and was wounded twice. By December 1967, Shawn's superior infantry skills set him apart and he was trained as a member of the elite Reconnaissance Battalion, where he and a team of seven to eight men were sent on multiple long-range patrols deep into the jungles of Southeast Asia to gather intelligence, without any reinforcements. Shawn again faced combat, danger, and death, and was repeatedly exposed to Agent Orange. For his ser…

Matt Bruenig (2022-11-11). Universal Benefits Cost Less Than Means-Tested Benefits. peoplespolicyproject.org In 1998, Walter Korpi and Joakim Palme In their response, Korpi and Palme accept the basic math of the "targeting efficiency" claim, but argue that it fails to consider the political effects such targeting has on support…

Obiora Ikoku (2022-11-11). Will Climate Reparations Be Enough? progressive.org As nations converge at COP 27 in Egypt, a climate-driven crisis unfolds in Nigeria and across Africa.

Richard Gale (2022-11-11). Conspiracies Are the New Normal. Public is Spoon-fed Fear and Confusion. globalresearch.ca

Scorinoco (2022-11-11). President Maduro Inaugurates FILVEN 2022 at Venezuela's National Art Gallery. orinocotribune.com On Thursday, November 10, President Nicolás Maduro inaugurated the International Book Fair of Venezuela (FILVEN 2022) at the National Art Gallery in Caracas. "The International Book Fair of Venezuela is a gift for our people and for the writers of the world," said the president during the opening ceremony of the literary festival, whose theme this year is "Reading decolonizes." | FILVEN was an initiative started by Commander Hugo Chávez and has been promoted by the Venezuelan government through its Ministry of Culture since 2005. | On Thursday, President Maduro, accompanied by Ernesto Villegas, the Minister of…

Scorinoco (2022-11-11). Taking of Lima: Thousands March in Peru in Support of President Castillo. orinocotribune.com On Thursday, November 10, thousands of Peruvians took to the streets in Lima, the capital city, in a march showing support for President Pedro Castillo. The protesters called for a new constitution for the country and for a suspension of Congress, which is intent on removing President Castillo from his post. | On Thursday morning, protesters gathered in the vicinity of the Congress as part of a march called "The Taking of Lima," promoted by trade unions and social movements that have maintained their solidarity with the government. | In addition to expressing their condemnation for the Congress's attempts to impe…

Shannon Riggs (2022-11-11). Update the GI Bill for the Online Era. progressive.org Right now, the federal government cuts the GI Bill housing allowances to half the national average for veteran students who pursue online degrees.

Staff (2022-11-11). Jorge Rodríguez and Gerardo Blyde to Meet at Paris Peace Forum (+Mexico Talks). orinocotribune.com Caracas, November 10, 2022 ( "Jorge Rodríguez Gómez, who will be arriving in Paris, is going to a meeting with President Emmanuel Macron, and several…

Staff (2022-11-11). Venezuela to Include Climate Change in Educational System, Licypriya Kangujam Effect. orinocotribune.com The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, reported this Thursday, November 10, that the study of climate change and the preservation of Mother Earth will be included in the different levels of Venezuela's educational system. | The president explained that it is a proposal presented to him by Licypriya Kangujam, a girl from India who "knows our cause and our fight." | The 11-year-old girl approached Maduro during his participation in the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27), he pointed out, and she proposed financing for poor countries and education…

Taylor Giorno (2022-11-11). Defense Sector Spent $101 Million on Lobbying During the First Three Quarters of 2022. globalresearch.ca

The Global Research Team (2022-11-11). Spread the Word: Download a Free Copy of "The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d'Etat Against Humanity" by Michel Chossudovsky. globalresearch.ca To our readers and contributors, | We appreciate all the support you have shared with us, especially in the last two years when disinformation on the COVID-19 pandemic imperiled the lives of all mankind. Thank you for holding the line. | Prof. …

Editor (2022-11-11). Haiti: 'Intervention is Actively Destabilizing the Situation'. scheerpost.com

Editor (2022-11-11). 'Honest' Reporting: Meet the Israel-Linked Pressure Group Getting Palestinian Journalists Fired. scheerpost.com The pro-Israel narrative has always been a mainstream media staple, but with the help of Honest Reporting, the gap in Palestinian voices in the news is significantly shrinking.

WSWS (2022-11-11). Second rail maintenance worker dies in four days; rail workers respond to BMWE strike deadline extension, engineers' contract. wsws.org The worker's name was Michael Poushyk, a trackman headquarter in Dodge City. Michael was a 49 year old husband and father of three, who had only hired on in August, according to the railroad.

Anonymous669 (2022-11-11). Tensions Rise In Northern Syria As Turkish-Occupied Afrin Witness Large Protests Against HTS (Videos). southfront.org On November 11, thousands of people took to the streets in the city center of the Turkish-occupied northern Syrian area of Afrin to protest against al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS). | The protesters, some of whom marched to Afrin all the way from Azaz and other nearby towns, called on HTS to withdraw from Afrin and stop its interference in Turkish-occupied areas in the northern countryside of Aleppo. The protesters chanted against the terrorist group and its leader Abu Mohamad al-Jul…

____ (2022-11-11). Li: Exchanges can assist in bolstering ties. ecns.cn Premier Li Keqiang underlined on Thursday the importance of exchanges and cooperation in the development of state-to-state relations as he attended a ceremony marking the handover of the Ta Keo Temple restored with Chinese assistance in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

____ (2022-11-11). Chinese scientists' return to motherland in spotlight. ecns.cn The return of prominent Chinese scientists from the United States to their motherland is again in spotlight after a noted scientist announced that she would resign from her tenured professorship at a top US university.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-11). Iran wins Kazakhstan at 2022 Asian Water Polo C'ship. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (MNA) — Iran earned a narrow 11-10 win over Kazakhstan at the 2022 Asian Water Polo Championship on Thursday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-11). Iran vs. Nicaragua in a friendly match in Tehran. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (MNA) — Iran national football team, which is preparing to participate in 2022 World Cup in Qatar, defeated Nicaragua 1-0 in a friendly match held in Tehran's Azadi stadium Thursday night.

Imperial.ac.uk (2022-11-11). Sewage overspill in the Thames likely does not lead to COVID-19 risk, says study. imperial.ac.uk Researchers did not detect any SARS-CoV-2 in Thames water after raw sewage discharge, suggesting it is unlikely to be a route of transmission.

WSWS (2022-11-11). Upsurge in class struggle in UK and internationally: A harbinger of decisive revolutionary conflict. wsws.org These remarks were delivered by Chris Marsden to the Sixth National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), held from September 24 to 27, 2022.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-11). Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry summons Iranian ambassador. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (MNA) — Iranian ambassador to Azerbaijan Seyyed Abbas Mousavi was summoned to the Azerbaijani Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday.

Imperial.ac.uk (2022-11-11). Jameel Institute Symposium: How can we better prepare for the next pandemic. imperial.ac.uk World leading experts came together to share their insights into how we can prepare for future pandemics, at the Jameel Institute Symposium.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-11). Tehran summons Azeri envoy over anti-Iran propaganda. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (MNA) — The Iranian Foreign Ministry on Thursday summoned the ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Tehran to lodge a protest over the propaganda campaign waged by the country's officials and media against Iran.

WSWS (2022-11-11). Brazilian military's report on elections lends ammunition to coup plots. wsws.org The military concludes that the electoral procedures imply "relevant risk to the security of the process," fueling Bolsonaro's conspiracy against the vote.

____ (2022-11-11). Radar used for detecting satellites put on market. ecns.cn AIn modern military operations, reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance have become major determinants of outcomes in combat.

WSWS (2022-11-11). UAW presidential candidate Will Lehman calls for extension of vote deadline as workers report not receiving ballots. wsws.org This letter was sent by UAW presidential candidate Will Lehman to the court-appointed Monitor overseeing the first-ever direct elections to the UAW leadership.

WSWS (2022-11-11). US 2022 midterm elections live updates: Four new CIA Democrats elected in 2022. wsws.org The number of Democratic members of the House of Representatives drawn from the military, State Department and intelligence agencies continues to increase.

WSWS (2022-11-11). The final stage of the campaign of Will Lehman for UAW president: The rank-and-file vs. the bureaucratic union apparatus. wsws.org The campaign of Will Lehman for UAW president has exposed the vast chasm that exists between rank-and-file workers and the apparatus of the unions.

____ (2022-11-11). Ruins help in unraveling mysteries, majesty of early Chinese civilization. ecns.cn Almost a century after archaeological excavations began at the Yinxu in Anyang, Henan province, fruitful new findings are helping decode the early stages of Chinese civilization.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-11). Iran vs. Nicaragua in friendly match in Tehran. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (MNA) — Iran national football team, which is preparing to participate in 2022 World Cup in Qatar, defeated Nicaragua 1-0 in a friendly match held in Tehran's Azadi stadium Thursday night.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-11). Communal clashes claim at least 28 lives in Nigeria. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (MNA) — At least 28 people, mostly women and children, have been killed in clashes between two rival clans in Nigeria's Benue state, an official said on Thursday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-11). Nine-month-old shot dead in stroller on California street. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (MNA) — A nine-month-old baby was shot dead while being walked in a stroller by his mother down a street in Merced, California.

WSWS (2022-11-11). US 2022 midterm elections live updates: Control of US House and Senate still undetermined. wsws.org The figures released so far show that neither capitalist party made significant inroads at the expense of the other, contrary to the expectation in official political and media circles of a "red wave" favoring the Republican Party.

Imran Khan (2022-11-11). Video: Watch "Imran Khan's Full Interview with Piers Morgan on Surviving Assassination Attempt" globalresearch.ca

WSWS (2022-11-11). The price of a worker's life in America: OSHA fines Caterpillar $145,027 for "willful" safety violation that led to Steven Dierkes' death. wsws.org Steven Dierkes fell into a vat of molten iron at Caterpillar's Mapleton, Illinois, foundry on June 2, instantly incinerating him.

WSWS (2022-11-11). Australian workers send messages of support for the campaign of Will Lehman for UAW President. wsws.org Lehman's campaign is resonating with workers in Australia who face similar brutal conditions in their workplaces.

____ (2022-11-11). Lives, health top priority in virus fight, says meeting. ecns.cn The meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee reiterated the importance of putting the people and their lives above all else and preventing both imported cases and domestic resurgences of COVID-19.

WSWS (2022-11-11). As vote deadline approaches, supporters of Mack Trucks worker Will Lehman oppose voter suppression by UAW apparatus. wsws.org As the November 18 deadline for returning ballots approaches, supporters of UAW presidential candidate Will Lehman appealed to Detroit-area Stellantis workers to assert their right to vote amid reports that many UAW members have not received ballots.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-11). "Resistance has not faded away over past decades": Nasrallah. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (MNA) — Hezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hasan Nasrallah said Friday that the enemy is shocked that the new generation is continuing the path of resistance.

____ (2022-11-11). PLA hospital ship Peace Ark arrives in Indonesia. ecns.cn The Chinese PLA navy hospital ship arrived on Thursday for an eight-day goodwill visit to Indonesia.

Deweylaura (2022-11-11). UN Cuban ambassador: "Africa can always count on Cuba." cpusa.org The following speech was presented by United Nations Cuba Ambassador Yuri Gala López on Nov. 3, 2022, at the Henry Winston Unity Hall in New York City, where the documentary Cuba in Africa by Negash Abdurahman was also shown. Good evening. First of all let me start by thanking the organizers of this special …

WSWS (2022-11-11). Teacher calls for unity with health workers to fight Australian governments lifting of COVID protection measures. wsws.org CFPE national convener Sue Phillips recently interviewed Amanda, a primary school teacher in Melbourne, about conditions in schools following the implementation of "let it rip policies" by Australian governments.

WSWS (2022-11-11). Texas executes Tracy Beatty, a mentally ill man denied access to mental health testing. wsws.org The Supreme Court declined to review Beatty's challenge to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice's refusal to unhandcuff the mentally ill and brain-damaged death-row prisoner so that mental health experts could conduct testing that his lawyers argued was necessary to demonstrate his mental incompetence.

Imperial.ac.uk (2022-11-11). Seaweed 'plastic' startup shortlisted for Earthshot Prize. imperial.ac.uk

En.mehrnews (2022-11-11). Enemies are scared; keep sending messages not to hit them. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (MNA) — "The enemies are scared and are on alert for several days and keep sending messages via different countries calling on us not to hit them," according to Major General Hossein Salami on Friday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-11). IRISL to set up rep. offices in India to strengthen activity. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (MNA) — In line with booming its shipping activities in North-South Corridor, the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL) will launch representative offices in various regions of India.

WSWS (2022-11-11). Teacher calls for unity with health workers to fight Australian governments' lifting of COVID protection measures. wsws.org CFPE national convener Sue Phillips recently interviewed Amanda, a primary school teacher in Melbourne, about conditions in schools following the implementation of "let it rip policies" by Australian governments.

Anonymous669 (2022-11-11). ISIS Says Its Cells Killed Or Wounded Over 5,000 Christians Around The World In Recent Years. southfront.org On November 11, ISIS's official newspaper, al-Naba, released an infographic summarizing the results of the terrorist group's recent attacks on…

____ (2022-11-11). Omicron variant BF.7 becomes main strain in Beijing's latest COVID-19 flare-up. ecns.cn Beijing's number of new infections caused by the highly transmissible Omicron variant BF.7 is rising, with surging COVID-19 community transmission and the risk of a hidden spread.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-11). Floods hit east of Salmiya in Syria's Hama. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (MNA) — For the first time in years, flooding occurred in the east of the city of Salmiya in the countryside of Hama province, Syria, on Friday.

____ (2022-11-11). PLA Navy's 3rd Type 075 amphibious assault ship makes training debut. ecns.cn The Anhui, the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy's third Type 075 amphibious assault ship, recently conducted realistic combat-oriented training, the PLA Navy announced on Thursday.

_____ (2022-11-11). What can Israel expect after the elections? journal-neo.org The return of former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the dramatic strengthening of his far-right and ultra-Orthodox allies in Israel's general elections has caused only indifference and disinterest among Palestinians, turning into contempt for Israelis. Some see the victory of Netanyahu and his openly anti-Palestinian allies, including ultranationalist lawmaker Itamar Ben-Gvir, who wants to end …

WSWS (2022-11-11). Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa. wsws.org Cost-of-living strikes in Greece, Belgium and France; Healthcare workers in Spain, France, Portugal and Turkey strike against understaffing and poor working conditions; 24-hour strike over job cuts, pensions and working conditions brings London Underground services to a halt as unions sabotage fightback against major restructuring on UK railways; striking pilots at Kenya Airways defy government threats and union sabotage in defence of jobs and pensions; thousands of public servants walk out in South Africa rejecting three percent pay offer…

En.mehrnews (2022-11-11). Afghanistan's situation result of foreigners' intervention. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (MNA) — Iran's Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Amir Saeed Iravani said that the current situation in Afghanistan is the result of the military intervention of foreign forces in the country.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-11). Iran defeats Nicaragua 1-0 in friendly in Tehran. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (MNA) — Iran national football team beat Nicaragua 1-0 in a friendly match held in Tehran's Azadi stadium Thursday night.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-11). 97 Al-Shabaab terrorists killed in Somalia. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (MNA) — Somalia's Ministry of Information announced on Friday morning that 97 al-Shabaab terrorists were killed during two large-scale operations of the country's army and security forces.

WSWS (2022-11-11). "It's a cycle of misery and low pay": HarperCollins workers launch indefinite strike for a livable wage. wsws.org In one of the country's most expensive cities, the workers have endured stagnating pay, even as the Murdoch-owned publishing giants reaps huge profits.

WSWS (2022-11-11). Workers Struggles: Asia and Australia. wsws.org India: Assam state government workers protest over pension scheme; Pakistani government workers demand wage rise; Australian airport firefighters vote for strike; Opal factory workers across Australia walkout for better pay…

____ (2022-11-11). Fraud aimed at elderly targeted in crackdown. ecns.cn The Supreme People's Procuratorate said on Wednesday it would deepen coordination with various departments to protect the interests of the elderly and severely penalize fraudsters targeting them.

Cameron orr (2022-11-11). NY activists gather in defense of Cuban sovereignty. cpusa.org On November 3rd, Yuri Gala López, the ambassador of the Cuban Mission to the United Nations, visited the Henry Winston Unity Hall in New York City for a screening of the documentary film Cuba in Africa by Negash Abdurahman. The film tells the story—largely ignored in the U.S. media, education system, and history books, …

En.mehrnews (2022-11-11). Five Afghans fatally stabbed in Turkey: report. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (MNA) — Police on Thursday discovered the bodies of five Afghan nationals who were stabbed to death inside a house in the Turkish capital Ankara, the country's state-run news agency reported. An investigation has been launched.

Staff (2022-11-11). Continúa enfrentamiento a las ilegalidades: Realizan operativos en los municipios del Cotorro y San Miguel del Padrón. cubadebate.cu El Grupo de Control y Fiscalización del Gobierno de La Habana continúa esta semana el enfrentamiento a las ilegalidades, con énfasis en el acaparamiento de productos para su posterior reventa. En un inmueble ubicado en Los Mangos, Consejo Popular Luyanó Moderno, se ocuparon 128 cajas con 1 920 litros de aceite.

Staff (2022-11-11). UNE: Se pronostica una afectación de 1062 MW en el pico nocturno. cubadebate.cu La máxima afectación en el horario de la noche fue 1288 MW a las 18: 20 horas, coincidiendo con la hora pico. Se estima una afectación máxima de 700 MW por déficit de capacidad de generación en el horario diurno. Se estima para la hora pico una disponibilidad de 2108 MW y una demanda máxima de 3100 MW, para un déficit de 992 MW.

Staff (2022-11-11). Una oportunidad para abrazar el Caribe. cubadebate.cu Construir puentes de transformación e innovación, desarrollar un futuro para el progreso duradero y forjar alianzas, son propósitos comunes a los cuales se encaminan las jornadas de trabajo de la VI Conferencia Internacional de Cooperación de la Asociación de Estados del Caribe (AEC), inaugurada este jueves en La Habana, con la presencia de Miguel Díaz-Canel.

Staff (2022-11-11). Liga Élite: Tabacaleros y Portuarios dividen honores. cubadebate.cu Los Tabacaleros aumentaron hoy su presión sobre los Portuarios, al derrotarlos con pizarra de 2×1. Los Tabacaleros conectaron cuatro hits, un triple, dos carreras y una impulsada, para conseguir su triunfo ante los Portuarios. La actuación del lanzador Geonel Gutiérrez Jiménez no recibió carreras limpias solo tres jits en cinco innings, además de regalar dos bases por bola.

Staff (2022-11-11). Presentan libro "Fidel, Interferón y Biotecnología Cubana" cubadebate.cu En el Centro Fidel Castro Ruz, fue presentado el libro "Fidel, Interferón y Biotecnología Cubana", del Dr. Manuel Limonta Vidal.La actividad de desarrolló en la Sala La Plata del mencionado Centro, con la participación de los protagonistas y familiares de aquella proeza científica, que fue la producción del interferón leucocitario con fines terapéutico.

Staff (2022-11-11). Con Filo: La Cosa Nostra (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Sobre las elecciones en Estados Unidos, los esfuerzos que desde allá se plantean para derrocar al sistema cubano y el fracaso de proclamar a Guaidó como presidente de Venezuela, entre otros temas, se habló este jueves en Con Filo.

Staff (2022-11-11). El tiempo: Calor, algunos chubascos y tormentas eléctricas. cubadebate.cu Estará parcialmente nublado y se nublará ocasionalmente en zonas cercanas a la costa sur y en Isla de la Juventud, con aisladas lluvias. A partir del mediodía se nublará gradualmente en localidades del interior y costa norte, con algunos chubascos y tormentas eléctricas.

Staff (2022-11-11). Finaliza en La Habana Conferencia de Cooperación Internacional de la AEC. cubadebate.cu "Requerimos de la construcción colaborativa y el acceso al conocimiento entre los países de la región", señaló la directora general para cooperación de la Asociación de Estados del Caribe, Adriana Bolaños, en la clausura de la sexta Conferencia de Cooperación Internacional del organismo regional. La cita sesionó con la presencia de representantes de los 25 países.

Staff (2022-11-11). Escritora cubana recibe premio Barco de Vapor Caribe 2022. cubadebate.cu La escritora cubana Elena Beatriz Corujo recibió en Santo Domingo el premio Barco de Vapor Caribe 2022, entregado por la Fundación SM. La obra ganadora, titulada La ventana de las palabras, compitió con otras 177 de Puerto Rico, República Dominicana y Cuba, y obtuvo el veredicto unánime del jurado del cértamen.

Staff (2022-11-11). Chapeando: La Florida roja (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu La política del vecino sigue timoneando a la extrema derecha, al menos en su zona más próxima a Cuba. Nada nos gusta menos que empezar nuestro podcast con lo que ocurre enfrente, pero hoy todo gira en torno a algo que no puede subestimarse por el peso que tiene en la política internacional.

TeleSUR, jaa, MER (2022-11-11). Grupo de Puebla promueve nueva agenda progresista en la región. telesurtv.net Bajo el lema "La Región Unida por el Cambio" el encuentro contó con la presencia de unos 100 líderes iberoamericanos de más de diez países.

Staff (2022-11-11). Volver a mirar, el surrealismo cotidiano de la artista visual Helga Stentzel. cubadebate.cu La talentosa artista visual rusa afincada en Londres Helga Stentzel, ha creado una serie de fotografías maravillosas llenas de ingenio y humor, en las cuales utiliza ropa y otros artículos domésticos comunes para crear imágenes con vida propia.

TeleSUR -odr -YSM (2022-11-11). Asesinan a policía con arma blanca en Bruselas, Bélgica. telesurtv.net El policía fue atacado en el cuello por su perpetrador, y su compañero resultó herido de gravedad.

TeleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-11-11). Perú implementará política de transformación digital. telesurtv.net El mandatario peruano indicó que desde su Gobierno se prioriza la transformación digital con equidad, garantizando un acceso inclusivo.

Staff (2022-11-11). Sesionará en Cuba el Congreso Científico Internacional de Ciencias Agrícolas promovido por el INCA. cubadebate.cu El XXII Congreso Científico Internacional de Ciencias Agrícolas se desarrollará del 15 al 18 de noviembre con el propósito de fortalecer el desarrollo en el panorama productivo y visibilizar las mejores prácticas científico-tecnológicas en este ámbito, promovido por el Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Agrícolas (INCA).

TeleSUR- hvh, DRL (2022-11-11). Regresan 209 venezolanos desde Perú con Plan Vuelta a la Patria. telesurtv.net La cónsul venezolana en Lima, Vivian Alvarado, afirmó que "hoy regresan a sus casas, con mucho entusiasmo, con alegría".

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-11-11). Barco con migrantes va rumbo a Francia tras negativa de Italia. telesurtv.net El Gobierno francés denunció el martes por la noche el " comportamiento inaceptable " de las autoridades italianas.

Staff (2022-11-11). Bruce Springsteen estrena disco en homenaje a la música soul. cubadebate.cu El nuevo disco de Bruce Springsteen, "Only The Strong Survive", un homenaje a la música soul, se pondrá a la venta el próximo viernes, después de que la productora haya adelantado tres de sus quince temas.Todas las canciones incluidas en el disco son versiones de clásicos del soul, ejecutados con bastante fidelidad a los originales.

Staff (2022-11-11). Arrendamiento sobre ruedas en Las Tunas… ømucho o poco avance? cubadebate.cu En las últimas semanas a Alexei López Walter el amanecer lo ha sorprendido muchas veces en una parada de ómnibus. No pocos sinsabores ha vivido trasladándose de Puerto Padre a Las Tunas. Suponía una mejoría para la situación del transporte con el arrendamiento de medios de transportación subutilizados que se inició en el 2021 pero un año después del cambio nada, dice.

Mirko C. Trudeau (2022-11-11). La ola republicana se desinfló, Biden se salvó de la debacle y Trump quedó desairado. globalizacion.ca El libreto se repitió: por segunda ocasión consecutiva en elecciones legislativas estadounidenses no pudo conocerse de inmediato un ganador entre demócratas y republicanos y quizá pasen semanas antes de saber de la integración definitiva del Senado. | No habrá ´marea roja ª…

Paula Giménez (2022-11-11). Honduras, un proyecto popular se abre paso en el corazón de Centroamérica. globalizacion.ca El gobierno de la presidenta de Honduras, Xiomara Castro, tras la resistencia a 12 años de violencia política y corrupción y la victoria popular al golpe de estado contra el gobierno de Manuel Zelaya en 2009, intenta mantenerse soberano en…

Martha Grevatt (2022-11-11). Elecciones en Brasil: Los trabajadores y los más oprimidos derrotan al fascista Bolsonaro. workers.org 31 de octubre — El pueblo de Brasil ha demostrado un notable valor, frente al terror de la extrema derecha, al votar para destituir al presidente fascista Jair Bolsonaro. El ex presidente y líder obrero, y candidato del Partido de los Trabajadores (PT), Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva derrotó a . . . |

TeleSUR- hvh, DRL (2022-11-11). Denuncian 200 homicidios en régimen de excepción en El Salvador. telesurtv.net El Gobierno encabezado por el presidente Nayib Bukele aseveró que en 231 días no se han reportado homicidios.

Staff (2022-11-11). Qué trae la prensa cubana, viernes 11 de noviembre de 2022. cubadebate.cu

Staff (2022-11-11). Un tercio de la LEBC: cuartico igualito, øy la motivación? cubadebate.cu Más rápido para algunos, más tortuoso para otros, el primer tercio de la Liga Élite del Béisbol Cubano ya es historia y nada cambió tras las victorias particulares de Ganaderos, Tabacaleros y Cafetaleros en las sextas subseries para todos los conjuntos; en tanto la motivación de jugadores y entrenadores sigue siendo un tema pendiente.

Staff (2022-11-11). Ministerio de Educación Superior informa sobre cambios para acceder a la carrera de Periodismo. cubadebate.cu Con el objetivo de fomentar la formación de profesionales más integrales, capaces de afrontar la complejidad actual de los medios de comunicación, se informa que en los meses de noviembre a enero se ejecutará el proceso de selección de los aspirantes de Preuniversitario al colegio universitario para la carrera de Periodismo.

TeleSUR-mcs, DRL (2022-11-11). Nicole se debilita a tormenta tropical al tocar Florida, EE.UU. telesurtv.net Nicole avanza hacia el Centro Espacial Kennedy, ubicado cerca de la ciudad de Orlando.

Staff (2022-11-11). Concluye en la Isla de la Juventud proceso de nominación de candidatos a delegados. cubadebate.cu En la zona 87 de la circunscripción 40 del reparto Sierra Caballos concluyó en la Isla de la Juventud el proceso de nominación de candidatos a delegados a la asamblea municipal del Poder Popular.

TeleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-11-11). Salud Pública de Francia declara epidemia de bronquiolitis. telesurtv.net Entre el 31 de octubre y el seis de noviembre, se contabilizaron 6.891 casos de bronquiolitis en menores de dos años.

Staff (2022-11-11). Cuba termina invicta la fase de grupos de la Primera Copa Mundial de Baseball5. cubadebate.cu Tras arrollar en sus ocho primeras presentaciones, la selección de la Mayor de las Antillas concluyó invicta la fase de grupos de esta Primera Copa Mundial de Baseball5. En total el equipo ha anotado 92 carreras y ha permitido solo 8, una barbaridad. Por si fuera poco han propinado un súper KO, cuatro KO y cinco lechadas en ocho juegos.

TeleSUR- hvh, DRL (2022-11-11). Presidente de la Asamblea Nacional venezolana participa en V Foro de París por la Paz. telesurtv.net El titular del parlamento enfatizó que "estamos convencidos que el camino de Venezuela es el diálogo".

TeleSUR -odr -YSM (2022-11-11). Mantienen alerta por lluvias en cuatro provincias dominicanas. telesurtv.net Las provincias que se mantienen en alerta son El Seibo, La Altagracia, San Pedro de Macorís y La Romana.

TeleSUR-mcs-DRL (2022-11-11). Parlamento libanés no logra elección de presidente. telesurtv.net El presidente del Parlamento, Nabih Berri, fijó la próxima sesión para el 17 de noviembre.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-11-11). Rusia confirma que Vladímir Putin no irá a cumbre del G20. telesurtv.net El Kremlin informó que el canciller Serguéi Lavrov, asistirá a la reunión del G20 en representación de Rusia.

TeleSUR, hvh, DRL (2022-11-11). Presidente de Asamblea Nacional venezolana participa en V Foro de París por la Paz. telesurtv.net El presidente del Parlamento enfatizó que "estamos convencidos que el camino de Venezuela es el diálogo".

TeleSUR, lvm, YSM, JGN (2022-11-11). Jubilados y pensionados marchan en Uruguay por sus derechos. telesurtv.net "Basta de Limosnas", "Jubilaciones Dignas Ya" y "Continuidad del Sistema de Cuidados", fueron algunas de las consignas.

Staff (2022-11-11). Los árboles del Prado habanero: øCómo cuidar el patrimonio verde de la ciudad? (+ Fotos). cubadebate.cu Varias fotos en las redes sociales levantaron las alarmas. "Han hecho una tala indiscriminada en el Paseo del Prado en La Habana", decían. Los vecinos y quienes encuentran en el parque una zona de descanso y esparcimiento se quejaban —se quejan— de la poca sombra ante la disminución de los árboles. øPor qué sustituir los árboles del Prado? øA qué se debe la demora en la siembra de los ejemplares que hoy faltan allí?

TeleSUR- jaa -YSM (2022-11-11). Reportan al menos 11 muertos tras incendio en Malé, Maldivas. telesurtv.net El incendio inició en el garaje de un edificio, que en el primer piso alberga casas de trabajadores extranjeros.

Staff (2022-11-11). Reto viral: øCuál es el número que falta? cubadebate.cu Cubadebate vuelve a proponer un nuevo reto viral que está poniendo a prueba a muchos usuarios de las redes sociales.Pon a prueba tu lógica y conocimientos matemáticos. Siguiendo la lógica que muestras las igualdades matemáticas, diga cúal es el número que esconde la interrogante. Déjanos saber en los comentarios si lograste resolver el reto.

TeleSUR-mcs, DRL (2022-11-11). Equipo de transición de Lula anuncia ministerio de pueblos indígenas. telesurtv.net La nueva cartera sería un logro de la movilización de los indígenas brasileños tras los años del Gobierno de Bolsonaro.

TeleSUR, lvm, MER (2022-11-11). Presidente venezolano inaugura la 18 ∞ Feria Internacional del Libro. telesurtv.net El mandatario venezolano destacó la importancia de promover la lectura entre los niños y la juventud para el futuro.

TeleSUR, jaa, JGN (2022-11-11). Selección uruguaya publica convocatoria para Mundial de Qatar 2022. telesurtv.net Como sorpresa agradable para los seguidores de la garra charrúa resalta la convocatoria del defensor Ronald Araujo, luego de que su presencia estuvo en duda por lesión.

TeleSUR- hvh, DRL (2022-11-11). Abordan rol de la juventud contra el cambio climático en COP27. telesurtv.net Guterres afirmó que los jóvenes "han sido incansables en hacerque los tomadores de decisiones rindan cuentas".

Ricardo V. Cohen, Tiago Veiga Pereira, Cristina Mamédio Aboud, Tarissa Beatrice Zanata Petry, José Luis Lopes Correa, Carlos Aurélio Schiavon, Carlos Eduardo Pompílio, Fernando Nogueira Quirino Pechy, Ana Carolina Calmon da Costa Silva, Lívia Porto Cunha da Silveira, Pedro Paulo de Paris Caravatto, Helio Halpern, Frederico de Lima Jacy Monteiro, Bruno da Costa Martins, Rogerio Kuga, Thais Mantovani Sarian Palumbo, Allon N. Friedman, Carel W. le Roux (2022-11-11). [Articles] Gastric bypass versus best medical treatment for diabetic kidney disease: 5 years follow up of a single-centre open label randomised controlled trial. thelancet.com Albuminuria remission was not statistically different between best medical treatment and RYGB after 5 years in participants with diabetic kidney disease and class 1 obesity, with 6—7 in ten patients achieving remission of microalbuminuria (uACR <30 mg/g) in both groups. RYGB was superior in improving glycemia, diastolic blood pressure, lipids, body weight, and quality of life.

Staff (2022-11-11). Bajo las aguas de Cojímar. cubadebate.cu El océano ocupa más del 70% del planeta y en este vive la mayor parte de la biodiversidad. Pareciera infinito, de recursos inagotables, pero lo cierto es que se deteriora. Prácticas como la sobrepesca y otras técnicas nocivas han hecho que el 90% de las grandes especies marítimas estén en peligro. A ello se le suma el cambio climático, que causa fenómenos como el calentamiento de las aguas y el aumento del nivel del mar.

TeleSUR, lvm, MER (2022-11-11). Inicia VI Conferencia de Cooperación Internacional de la AEC en Cuba. telesurtv.net El secretario general de la AEC, Rodolfo Sabonge, llamó a materializar proyectos que ayuden a los países miembros a alcanzar un desarrollo sostenible.

Staff (2022-11-11). Ansu Fati, Busquets y Carvajal entre los convocados por España para el Mundial de Catar. cubadebate.cu Luis Enrique no demoró más su convocatoria para la Copa Mundial de la FIFA y presentó de manera original a los 26 escuderos que tendrá en Catar 2022. En la lista definitiva de España solo encontramos al último superviviente de La Roja que se proclamó campeona del mundo en Sudáfrica 2010, Sergio Busquets, certificando así el relevo generacional de la selección.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-11-11). Primer ministro peruano denuncia dictadura del Congreso. telesurtv.net El primer ministro Aníbal Torres afirmó que sostener que la cuestión de confianza es una exclusividad del Congreso es "una atrocidad mayúscula".

Staff (2022-11-11). øCuánto sabes de las obras literarias del Gabo? Participa en el concurso de Cubadebate. cubadebate.cu Este viernes 11 de noviembre se celebra el día de las librerías y por esta razón Cubadebate convoca a un nuevo concurso entuMovil sobre literatura. øDiga en que obra de Gabriel García Márquez, aparece esta frase: "El llanto más antiguo de la historia del hombre es el llanto de amor"?.

Staff (2022-11-11). Instalaciones deportivas en Pinar del Río: øPor dónde van los pasos? (+ Fotos y video). cubadebate.cu Pinar del Río ha hecho históricamente un aporte significativo a los centros cubanos de alto rendimiento. Y no ha sido un resultado al azar, sino fruto de un trabajo consolidado desde la base. Durante décadas, la política del Gobierno y la dirección de Deportes pinareños, ha estado orientada al rescate de las instalaciones deportivas, para mantener los resultados.

Staff (2022-11-11). Arqueólogos descubren colección de estatuas romanas y monedas de bronce en Italia. cubadebate.cu Arqueólogos italianos descubrieron bajo las aguas de una fuente termal de la ciudad de San Casciano dei Bagni, situada en Toscana, una colección única de estatuas de bronce y monedas que datan del período entre el siglo II a.C. y el siglo I d.C., informó el Ministerio de Cultura de Italia.

Staff (2022-11-11). Conjuguemos el verbo nominar. cubadebate.cu

Staff (2022-11-11). Mujeres paracaidistas intentarán romper récord mundial volando de cabeza. cubadebate.cu Un equipo de 100 mujeres paracaidistas intentará romper un récord mundial volando de cabeza durante un evento deportivo que celebra sus derechos y busca visibilizar la falta de representación e igualdad en casi todos los aspectos de la vida de las mujeres, incluido este deporte.

Staff (2022-11-11). Envíanos tu foto de las motorinas. cubadebate.cu Las motorinas han tomado auge en el país en los últimos años y han contribuido al desplazamiento de no pocos cubanos. Por ello, La Tira de los Lectores esta semana está dedicada a ese medio de transporte. Envíanos tu foto de las motorinas a nuestro correo comentacubadebate@gmail.com y la publicaremos este domingo en nuestro sitio web y redes sociales.

TeleSUR, MER (2022-11-11). Tribunal ecuatoriano anula sentencia contra exvicepresidente Jorge Glas en caso Singue. telesurtv.net La resolución de los magistrados establece la nulidad procesal desde todo lo actuado a partir de la solicitud de formulación de cargos.

Staff (2022-11-11). Ministerio de las Comunicaciones entregó informe de rendición de cuenta al presidente de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular. cubadebate.cu El miembro del Buró Político del Comité Central del Partido Esteban Lazo Hernández, presidente de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular y del Consejo de Estado, recibió este jueves el informe de rendición de cuenta del Ministerio de Comunicaciones al Parlamento cubano, entregado en el Capitolio Nacional por la titular del ramo, Mayra Arevich Marín.

Staff (2022-11-11). Este viernes en la Mesa Redonda: Colonización cultural y racismo Sobre la Mesa. mesaredonda.cubadebate.cu Prestigiosos intelectuales cubanos abordarán el tema de la colonización cultural desde diversas aristas, particularmente el racismo, en la Mesa Redonda que este viernes, a partir de las 7 pm, transmitirán Cubavisión, Cubavisión Internacional, Canal Caribe, Radio Habana Cuba y los canales en redes sociales de la Mesa Redonda, Cubadebate y el sitio de la Presidencia.

Staff (2022-11-11). Unidad cuatro de Cienfuegos sincroniza al Sistema Eléctrico Nacional. cubadebate.cu La unidad número cuatro de la termoeléctrica de Cienfuegos Carlos Manuel de Céspedes sincronizó en la tarde noche de este jueves al Sistema Eléctrico Nacional, luego de arduas labores para reparar el transformador de salida de ese bloque. En los trabajos laboraron fuerzas conjuntas del sector energético del país.

TeleSUR, jaa, MER (2022-11-11). Trabajadores del transporte público realizan huelga en Francia. telesurtv.net Un líder sindical afirmó que no descartan la opción de ampliar la huelga si las autoridades no daban respuesta a sus demandas.

Staff (2022-11-11). Tasas vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este viernes 11 de noviembre. cubadebate.cu Con el objetivo de mantener informados a sus lectores, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este miércoles 9 de noviembre en el mercado cambiario del país.

Editor (2022-11-11). Javier Zamora: Nine Hellish Weeks as a Nine-Year Old Crossing Borders from El Salvador to the US. scheerpost.com

Staff (2022-11-11). Con Messi a la cabeza, estos son los 26 elegidos por Scaloni para representar a Argentina en el Mundial. cubadebate.cu

Kzorinoco (2022-11-11). Vuelta a la Patria Plan Brings 209 Venezuelans Back Home from Peru. orinocotribune.com On Thursday, November 10, 209 Venezuelans returned home from Peru through the Venezuelan government's Vuelta a la Patria (Return to the Homeland) Program. | The Venezuelan nationals landed at the Maiquetía International Airport in La Guaira state, in a flight chartered by the Venezuelan national airline Conviasa. | The information was released by Venezuelan Minister of Transport Ramón Velásquez Araguayán. | "The Vuelta a la Patri…

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